{ The New Professor: 4 }

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Top: Jungkook | older
Bottom: Taehyung | younger
Theme: Normal | angst
Requested by: vantae_jgk

• Previously •
"T-Tae...." Jimin sobbed out, hugging Taehyung tightly as they both cried in each other's arms. Everything was hard to process, it was like everything came by to just crash down hard. Life was hard, it was never fair.

Love wasn't fair.

(photo above is from our omega leadernim :>)

It was the following day. The sun started to rise and the birds chirped a happy song. The leaves danced together with the wind as people starting their day wore a bright smile. A good morning, or perhaps, a great morning... Especially for Jungkook.

The English professor entered the classroom with a warm smile plastered on his face. He looked like an idiot but he simply didn't care. It was a shock that he was in a good mood even after what Aera did to him yesterday. He could've fought with his wife, divorce and become a homeless man. The thought gave shivers down his spine.

He sat down on his desk, working his way through his laptop as he waited for Taehyung. It was weird, yes... But he really looked forward to seeing Taehyung ever since the student arrived in the room much earlier than the expected time. We can say, he even found his own movements quite sweet.

[ 7:50 AM ]

[ 8:00 AM ]

[ 8:15 AM ]

The classroom was already packed with students, but the person Jungkook waited for never came. 'Where is he?'

"Mr. Jeon! Why so distracted?!" A girl asked, giggling with her friends. He didn't even realize that he was spacing out. He looked stupid, looking anxiously at his laptop screen while his fingers that were connected to the keyboard never moved an inch. 'Focus yourself.' He thought before standing up and starting the class.

[ Time Skip: Dismissal ]

Jungkook was so close to exploding, he's been worried about Tae ever since the latter didn't show up to class at all. Then he remembered Jimin, and a sly smile made its way up Jungkook's face. 'I'll make sure to ask him.'

Arriving at the room, he saw Aera and her 2 minions sitting on the front row, and Jimin, who was sitting on the far back scribbling random nothings on a piece of paper. 'No new students? Alright then.' (new students, meaning new kids that want to join English tutor.)

"Alright, let's start right away." Jungkook spoke, giving a deep breath before starting his discussion. A little relieved Aera didn't bother him.

tik    tok   tik   tok   tik   tok

Jungkook kept looking at the time, why does it tick so slow when you want things to be over faster? The latter groaned internally as he intensely looked at his watch '7 more minutes, tick faster will you?' He grew silent, another more minute and he finally gave up.

"Alright, 6 minutes before dismissal, you guys can go now." Jungkook said, looking at the four students who nodded their heads and started to pack their bags. "Except for Jimin, I want to talk to you real quick." Jungkook added, watching Jimin stopping his movements before they made eye contact.

The latter nodded his head, actions becoming a little slower as he had to stay behind anyways.

"How about me Mr. Jeon?" The female (titan) voice echoed through the room. "What do you mean?" The English professor asked.

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