{12} 3 Days TIll The Rennaisance Dance~!

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  Another girl from the year 1 department confessed to me again... I couldn't return her feelings.. I even made her cry. Gosh i don't know what's wrong with me. I don't even know how to treat a girl. Let alone date, although i feel really bad i just can't return her feelings. When i was young i got abandoned by my parents, I would stay out in the streets or just walk all day.

  Until a girl came by and smiled at me, and we played till night all of a sudden she had to go because her parents needed to leave and to remember me by i gave her the only thing i had that was special to me, a ring of friendship, inside the ring it said "Believe" and that was the last time i saw her.

 Then one day a strange man came. He adopted me and offered me a place to stay and that's where i met Loki. He would train us everyday and I could feel Loki didn't like me. One day when our training was over he told me that i annoyed him and he would never accept me but i didn't care. Then a few years our Master got very sick and passed away a few months ago. It hurts but the last words he said to me was to find someone that would make me happy. I still don't know what that means.

"Ayo! Leo!" Loki shouts.

"Yes, Loki?" I say back.

"You were spacing out bro!" He says sluggishly throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"I don't know what your talking about..."

"So what do you think about those first years?" He asks me.

"Their alright.."

"I don't know who i like yet.."

"Oh come on Loki please don't screw around with them." I say.

"Maybe i should make them mine in alphabetical order?" He says to himself.

"Let's see who would be first.. A... Oh! There's a chick called Amethyst isn't there?" He asks.

"Anyone but her.." i shout.

"What do we have here.. You like her?" Loki says with an evil grin.

"No, I don't just leave her alone.."

"I don't like the way you've been talking to me Leo." Loki says lifting up my collar.

"Remember who the older one is here, I just brought you over to the second years department so you'd fit in because we all know your just a nobody." he says.

"Hey Loki are you coming over to eat lunch or what?" Caesar shouts.

"Alright im coming jeez dude!"

"Leo i won't be seeing you till after school so don't embarrass me." He taunts

"Whatever" I shrug off.

 Sometimes i just want to punch Loki in the face but i can't we've been through so much together after all. I'm only in the second year's department because i'm smarter than Loki and he knows he'll need help with his homework so again he's using me but i don't mind as long as he doesn't hate me. I'm sick of this place though the older girls are scary I'll have my lunch at the first year's section plus i have this feeling that i want to see Amethyst.

 I see Amethyst and her friends coming out of class with her.

"Oh hey! You!" She says waving her arm.

"Hey.." i say uneasily.

"Ah Amethyst i gotta go i'm meeting Zero in the second year's section for lunch today please tell the others also!" Jade says.

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