{27} Another Guardian?

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~> AUTUMN <~

  Wow this situation is so awkward... Victoria is trying to get Nathaniel's attention but everybody knows he don't want her no more like why is she even trying I can't even, kill me now. The heck is Mark and Destiny doing over there on the slide like what? kill me now. The worst part is that Amethyst is so dumb she doesn't even understand what's going on. Last night we were on the phone with each other she told me that she thinks Onyx likes her and I was just astonished like. Wow really Amy I did not ever think of that wow, my mind is blown. Why can't someone be in love with me. Jaden is gone.. Nathaniel and I, I don't even know what happened. I miss Leo and Loki a lot I feel depressed.

"Autumn.." a deep voice says.

"God?" I ask out loud.

"Autumn what the heck?!" Mark shouts.

"Not you stupid! Are you God? I don't think so!" I shout back

"Wow your stupid as always who do you think it is." the deep voice answered me. Then it hit me, it was my guardian. So I started to talk in my head instead so they wouldn't think I was delirious.
"Yo homie, what's up?" I think in my head.
"Do you remember Claudia?" he asks.
"obviously. "
"The council found her today and executed her, tell everyone that there's nothing to worry about anymore... but we need something from your friends.. The healing girl and the Dark Magic girl we need them they're in danger." he says with his voice sounding a bit weak.
"You guys know we have school soon right? This can't be long." I answer, but after that I got no response.


   Well what am I supposed to do now? I don't know the teleportation spell only Amethyst does. I wonder if she has one of her books for spells in her bag let me just see here.. Which one is her bag again was it the white one? Oh well. An IPhone, food, a book, and a... OMG

   ~> DESTINY <~

I think Mark and I have a problem, ever since he was captured and Jaden left it's as if he became more dumber if that's even possible. I mean on our way here he asked me if I could touch Amethyst without dying since she has dark magic and I have light magic.

I feel bad for Mark maybe he misses Jaden and maybe he hit his head on something, I hope he gets well soon.

"Hey Destiny, you know I was wondering... you like me right?" he said while moving closer to me.

I blush because I don't really know what to say, sometimes I like him and sometimes I'm just so annoyed with him.

"Why would you ask such a question Mark?" I ask moving away again, he moves closer and I slip and fall into the pool, crap I must look like an idiot right now. I don't want to surface from the water because the water is so cool and my body is burning hot.

I feel his slender fingers slide under my legs and on my shoulders and he pulls me up. Wow I never noticed Mark as a man, did he grow teller?  Has he been working out?

"Mark... my answer is-" All of a sudden he drops me back into the water!

"Guys I'm back from London!"

"Jaden?!" I shout, no way he came back? but he just left! And the bromance starts now.

I walk back myself because I smell chicken and I want to eat it. Everyone is crowding around Jaden asking him a bunch of questions. except Autumn, where is she? I take a piece of chicken and walk around. There she is! Under the tree, sleeping?

Might as well sit beside her and take a nap too since I woke up so early.

"Destiny..." a very deep rough voice says.

"Yes? If you don't tell me who you are I'm going to kill you. What?!" I shout.

"It's that a way to speak to your guardian?"

?! Guardian oops I'm supposed to be really nice to them. I open my eyes and realize I have chicken bones on me. Well this is embarrassing. I look up and I see a tall guy who looks like he's in his 20s, with silvery hair that had hints of yellow in it, and had sun glasses on wearing nothing but swimming trunks. Is he really supposed to be a guardian?  He doesn't look like one.

"Yes I am really a guardian and who would wear they're uniform to a planetarium? I'd definitely stand out, not just because of my good looks." he says. Great we got another Nathaniel I think as I let out a sigh.

"Why are you here?" I ask in the nicest way possible.

"Call me Oh Great One for short." he replies.

My eyebrow twitched, thus guardian is sure full of himself. "Oh Great One what do you need?" I ask again.

"Well you guys might have another mission I'm not sure what it is yet." he says.

"If you weren't sure what it was then why'd you come here!" I shout.

"is came here for something else! Where is Amethyst? I need to talk to her."

"Don't tell me you like her you old man." I ask.

He gives me a glance and walks away, jeez it was just a joke.

~> MARK <~

"Jaden thank goodness your back, I have girl problems again." I whisper to him. He looks at me and laughs so we walk away from the group to talk some more.

"Tell me everything bro."

"well I want to ask her to become my girlfriend, we kind kind of are technically because we go on dates and stuff but I feel like Destiny isn't physically into me, she thinks I'm a dumb little kid and she always hits me." I rant on.

"She just doesn't notice all that stuff yet just give her some time, but if you want to rush things this is what I'd do to make her notice you..."

"Thanks Jaden that idea is full proof." I say walking away to find Destiny. I find her near the outdoor showers, she's buying ice cream from the vending machine.

"Oh Mark I didn't notice you there-

I walked through the showers purposely because Jaden said it'd be more dramatic if I did that. I grab her wrist and she slams onto the side of the vending machine. Oh no in hope I didn't hurt her too much. I move my body closer. Close enough that I can feel her heart beat and for once it was actually beating duster than usual. I look down to her and she looks up. Her hair was getting wet because of mine and oh my gosh she's too cute! I start blushing myself, stop Mark keep it together. I lower my head even more so that I could whisper in her ear.

"Can I have some?" I ask, but she looks down and doesn't say a word. Then she looks up again to hold the ice cream near my mouth and I smile because Jaden's plan actually worked! Then all of a sudden she moves the ice cream as I was about to lick it and my lips land right on hers!

"Destiny will you be my Girlfriend?"

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