{2} Starbucks

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"Alright guys we have over an hour till school starts so what do you want to eat?" Victoria asked.

"I'll take a GTL!" said Amethyst.

"Amethyst seriously your going to drink a cold beverage? It's already a bit chilly outside are you sure?" I asked.

"uhh yeah it really doesn't matter to me i don't get cold." Amethyst replied.

"Okay so Amethyst wants a GTL... What about Jade and autumn?" Victoria asked.

"I'll get a.." Jade said in a soft voice.

"I want a Pumpkin spice latte, 2 Sandwiches, 1 biscotti, a cookie, and a lemon poppy seed loaf!" I said loudly.

Oh no was Jade going to say something also? Opps i better apologize...

"Jade, sor.."

"Hey what up !!!!?" Nathaniel shouted so the whole store could hear.

Oh goodness it's them the boys are here... that's just great.

I guess i should introduce them right?                                                                                                    
Well in our group there are boys. Who aren't too bright! I kind of have a secret crush on Nathaniel... So anyway there are about four boys. Their names are Nathaniel, Mark, Onyx, and Jaden.

NATHANIEL is the leader hes tall and dreamy
ONYX Britney is obsessed with him.. He's smart i guess, but he has a personality me and the rest of the girls don't understand. Amethyst can understand him some how I don't even know why Amethyst would waste her time of day with that guy. Anyway if you think Amethyst and Onyx have something going on your wrong. I was once very suspicious with them always talking all the time but when i asked her she got mad at me and said they were only friends so i try never to bring up that subject.

MARK is the funny one along with JADEN they always joke around and take nothing seriously and i mean nothing seriously at all! I think the only thing they take seriously is gaming! OMG I forgot Amethyst is also a gaming freak but still that is two different things my Amethyst would never turn like them playing shooting games like black ops! Amethyst just likes Allods or i think that's what it's called. Introductions are over again back to eating!

" Hey guys !" Victoria said as loud as Nathaniel.

" Hey there Victoria! " *Wink*

ZOMG!! Did Nathaniel just wink at Victoria?! Nah it's probably just because i haven't eaten in awhile. Now we're all just around the table, while I'm eating I'm also observing... Let's see Nathaniel and Victoria and talking. Amethyst and Onyx of course .... Jaden and Mark. Oh? and who's Jade talking to? It's Destiny! uwah she finally came!.

"Hey Destiny's here guys! Hi Destiny!" I said

"Oh hey I've actually been here before all you guys! that why Jade wasn't Telling you her order ^^" Destiny replied.

"oh, okay." i said.

"Here's everything we got Amethyst's GTL, and Autumns... err everything else heh." Victoria said as she was passing the food to me.

" Wow Autumun that's a lot of food there o.o " Nathaniel said.

Oh noes! Nathaniel might think i eat too much i got to do something.. what do i do.. what do i usually do? oh i got it!

"Psshh jeez Nathaniel these aren't all for me! i ordered for everyone here so help yourselves! okay?"

awh man and i was really hungry :( Then all of a sudden i see Amethyst looking at me as if she figured out something. Well no wonder of course she is Amethyst after all.

"Here Autumn you can have the lemon poppy seed loaf and sandwich." Amethyst said as she passed me the plates.

"Thanks!" as i gave her a thankful glance back.


"Okay everyone I'm done with my things is everyone ready to go?" i asked.

"Yeah! lets leave" Mark shouted.

While we were walking to our school which is like 5 or so minutes away from Starbucks, we noticed that the cemetery at our school looked more misty than usual. Oh well as we arrived at school there were these 2 mean girls who would always make fun of us which get on my nerves so much i want to punch them out! Luckily Amethyst and the others are always there to stop me. Meanwhile all of us gathered around to see who is in which class.

## CLASS 1a ## ~ Mr.Kazama - Home room

Amethyst Xerxes, Jade Nightray, and Nathaniel Lin

##CLASS 1b ## ~ Ms.Shay - Math

Autumn Barma, Jaden Seer, and Mark Santos

## CLASS 1c ## ~ Mr.Holmes - History

Victoria Reinsworth, Destiny Mir, and Onyx Vessalius

"Awh no fair! Victoria, Destiny, and Onyx got Mr. Holmes!! hes the fun one ! " Amethyst exclaimed.

" Yeah, but you got Mr. Kazama! He let's you do anything you guys want after you finish all your work plus your class gets to go on the most field trips!" I complained.

" Well all of you guys should be grateful because we got Ms.Shay! She's so strict!" I complained again.

" Hey atleast the classes change so it's alright." Jade said.

" Yeah guys just wait till dismissal time where we will all be together till 8am so it's like all of us together for 1day and a half." explained Destiny

" Our school is huge i love it!" Said Victoria.

" It's a good thing our school starts on a Friday because then it will be the weekend again! woo!" Jaden shouted.

" C'mon guys we better get to class." Onyx said.

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