{10} Sacrifice

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*Heavy Breathing*


"What the hell Leo?!" I shout.

"What? I saved us didn't I?"

"I know but you knocked out this girl!"

"Hey dude, i didn't even know there was a girl there!"

"I don't know how that creature got into our school but it's a good thing our master trained us well..." I say.




"Loki shut up before I make my sword do it for me..."

"Okay, okay Leo calm down your scaring me. Why do you always have to be so serious?"

"Why do you always have to be such an over dramatic... Ugh your making me talk too much.."

"Leo what's wrong?"

"Leo? What? It's not like you've been talking to anyone all day right?"


"Have you?!"

"Kind of..."

"Is it a girl?!"

"Tell me who it is i'll make her pay!"

"Shut up..."


"Shall we dispose of this girl?"

"Leo no! She's actually pretty cute for someone who got knocked out..."

"Let's just go!"


"Wait... shouldn't we help her or something?" I ask.

"No why the hell would we help her?"

"... okay lets get back to our class room before that pushy girl comes and tells us to get back."


I see Leo's tall figure walk back to class... He's becoming more and more mature i hate it... I need some entertainment in my life as it is. Hey that girl is moving maybe she's conscious... Heh i should take this opportunity to make my life more interesting.. I walk over and her eyes are half open... Hmmm what should i do? I lean over to kiss her forehead and she starts to move.


"Is that you?"

Pffft! Who the heck is Onyx? She should be greatful she just got a kiss from me! Loki! How can this first year not know who i am?! Whatever i knew i shouldn't have wasted my time with this idiot girl.

" Loki i saw that, its not nice to play with other people.."

"Shut it Leo I just need something exciting in my life."

"Do you really love this girl?" He asks.

"What kind of question is that of course i don't!."

"She's just prety that's all wouldn't you want to kiss a pretty girl too?"

"We're back in the classroom..." He says.

"I know." I say

"Have you eaten Leo?"




"You ate without me?! Where the heck was I?"

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