{11} Final Reminiscence!

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 Hold up! Kevin's back all of a sudden?! There's something really shady about that guy but the rest of us had no time to think! We all start running to the pool no questions no nothing we just kept running. While we we're running Zero took the opportunity to take a head count. Everyone was accounted for even Loki and his brother came running with us. Jaden was the last because he was carrying Brit. We finally reach the pool the moonlight reflecting on the water was stunning it took my breath away! Kevin then suddenly stopped. He turned around then started laughing like a maniac. He pulled Amethyst's wrist and covered her mouth shut.

"Amethyst!" Loki's brother shouts.

He quickly un-sheaths his sword and it was a long Japanese Katana. Where the heck did he get that?! How was he able to sneak it past the teachers for the whole day?

"ARE YOU GUYS BLIND?!" Loki's brother shouts at us.

"HE'S A FREAKIN DEMON!" He shouts at us again.

"What are you talking about ?" Victoria says.

"Mnhff!!" Amethyst says looking at Kevin like she's seen a devil.

"What's Happening?! I don't see anything at all!" Destiny shouts.

Jade starts babbling random words out from a book she and Amethyst read earlier. Sounds like gibberish but who really knows.

"  نشان دادن ماهیت واقعی خود را ناپاک شیطان   "  Jade says while holding her rosary.

"Jade what the hell are you saying at a time like this?!" I shout.

"It's Persian! Isn't that like a holy language to repel demons or something?" Victoria says.

"Look its working!" Nathaniel says.

We finally see Kevin's true nature! He was huge! Old, wrinkled, rotting flesh, he was the ugliest thing i've ever seen! No doubt this was Josephine's husband! But how did Loki's brother know? What exactly was he? Is he also a demon!?

"Loki! We need to help Amethyst!" His brother says.

"Gotcha!" he replies.

He drops Victoria off onto Nathaniel and takes out a dagger. It was amazing! they we're fighting along side each other like what i've seen in movies! Kevin or should i say the demon drops Amethyst in the pool.

"Amethyst!" Victoria shouts.



"Victoria stop its dangerous!" Nathaniel says.

"Too late dummy she's already in the pool!" Mark says.


"Ugh this girl!" Loki says.

"Hey are you guys going to just stand their or help us fight? C'mon you guys are boys don't tell me you've never been in a fight?" Loki shouts.

"WE HAVE!" Jaden shouts.

"Then come on!"

Jaden takes out a pocket knife and starts to help while the rest of them run to help as well, as for us we don't know what to do we're defenseless we don't have any power against a demon! Then all of a sudden we hear Victoria shout for help.

"Victoria what's wrong with Amethyst?!" I ask.

"I'll give her CPR!" says Victoria with tears running down her cheek.

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