{13} 2 Days Till The Rennaissance Dance~!

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What the heck happened? Why did Autumn run away crying like that? Did Nathaniel do something to upset her? I hope not.

"Hey Destiny!" Britney shouts. 

"Huh, what sorry was I zoning out?" I ask. 

"Well yeah, I was telling you that why the frig is Onyx lying down on Victoria's lap?!" Britney shouts. 

"Hey, we should probabaly leave and let them straight everything out right?" 

"No, what we should do is wake up Onyx get him off of that girl's lap and then we can leave okay?" Britney suggests. 

"I thought you already had a boyfriend? Stop caring about someone else or you'll hurt him.." I say. 


"No buts! Britney just stop let's go."

We make our way back in the cafeteria I make sure to grab Brit's hand when we enter the school but there's just so much people. I'm glad she didn't go after Onyx and make a fool out of herself. Man Britney really needs some lotion her hands feel wierd.

"What the heck! who are you?!" I shout 

"Umm excuse me but your the one who grabbed my hand!" He says. 

"Where did my friend go?!"  

"Look, since you have a pretty face i'll be nice, but don't tempt me."

What the fudge? What does that even mean? and who would like him?! Is he crazy, he doesn't even know how to treat a girl. If he keeps doing this he'll get beat up. He looks like a second year, what's he doing in the first year's department? Whatever i don't care about him. I let him go.

"I'm looking for my brother have you seen him anywhere? He's about i don't know almost as tall as me. not very good looking, has red hair?" he says.

"Hahaha! The last one was a joke but seriously where is he." He became all serious now.

"Sorry, but i don't know who your talking about, please get our of my way." i say. 

"Alright fine then doll face ill catch you later~ By the way, the name's Loki if you ever feel lonely give me a call." He says smiling and tossing me a piece of paper.

He starts walking away, who cares?! What was up with his " I'm So Cool" attitude? I take the paper and it wrote: "CALL ME" and his number. Who does he think he is?! Just because he helped us alot by saving us from Kevin doesn't mean he can be all knowing me. I wonder, if his brother is a second year what's he doing looking here? What an idiot. Lunch is over and everything resumed the day went by and it was time to go home. Nothing new except i got tons of homework, I should go to my locker and get my bag since we're all spending the night at Amethyst's house. Still creeped out on how Mark knew that.. Oh gosh ! There's Autumn and Britney.

"Autumn! Hey!" I shout. 

"Hey.." She replies. 

"What's wrong Autumn?" Britney asks. 

"Are you okay your still crying." I say comforting her. 


"What Autumn?" Britney asks. 


"Your scaring me right now Autumn." I say. 

"HA! HA! HA! HA!" She bursts out laughing. 

"I'm not following?" I reply. 

"Oh no! Destiny she's gone crazy! Nathaniel must have dumped her!" Britney says. 

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