{5} Misunderstanding

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OMG! I can't believe Vic just said i like Onyx?!

"No! I don't like Onyx! Omg what are you thinking Victoria have you gone crazy or have you been thinking about Onyx so much lately that you think everything everyone says is Onyx huh? Wow i know you like him Victoria but..." oops... shoot.

"Victoria I.. I didn't mean to say that out loud! Victoria wait! Victoria ..." I tried to reason with her but she wouldn't have listened and ran outside.

"Nice going Autumn!" Nathaniel shouted.

"I know its my fault okay guys can we just calm down a bit she started it first saying something that wasn't even true in front of the whole class! I didn't mean to either so don't blame me okay? it's not my fault...!" i said.

"Where is Onyx in all this anyway?" Destiny asked.

"He's over there asleep on his desk." Nathaniel said.

"Hey don't you think Ms.Shay would've already noticed us screaming over here?"

"There she is! she's talking to Mr.Gomez again prolly likes him or something" Destiny said.

"WAKE UP ONYX!!! And Nathaniel when the heck did you get here are you wandering around classes again?! Amethyst is going to get mad at you again!" Destiny shouted.

"SHHH Destiny if Amethyst finds out i sneaked away from class I'm dead along with Jade she'll probably hit me!" Nathaniel shouted.

"What? is Amethyst here or something? i can hear screaming" Onyx said.

"Ummm no it's me Destiny! and you get a hit on the head for thinking that Amethyst shouts !"

"Oh okay ummm where is whats her face? i mean Victoria?" Onyx asked.

"What the heck Onyx you of all people should know her name she likes you after all!" I said.

"Ewww!?... She what?! i thought she liked Nathaniel? Wait what? she likes me? hahahaha that's pretty funny i like someone else though.."

"Really who?" Nathaniel said.

"Like imma tell you ... Anyway Autumn since you were the one who made her run away it's better if you go and talk to her... and let me go back to sleep because Ms.Shay might turn around and see, plus Mr.Gomez's break is only 25 minutes so hurry freakin up!" Onyx said.

"okay... ill go!" I said as i left.

"Autumn left right? i'm going to go and follow her and see if they fight or anything cya!" Nathaniel said as he went off.

Jeez what else can go wrong today. Like really I'm already stressing on how i should confess to Nathaniel and now Autumn is crying somewhere in a corner maybe. Now what should i say when i find her? Will i even find her? oh well.... Hmmmm i hear footsteps... Who's? ill hide behind this wall and find out. * Running footsteps * OMG?! Blondish brown hair? tall? That's Nathaniel! I wonder why Nathaniel is running after me... Is it because he's looking for me? Maybe i should follow him.


*Spots Victoria* There she is! Oh man she's crying!! What do i do? I just have to keep my cool i guess. OK here i go..

"Hey Victoria... are you okay why are you alone and crying?"

"It's because of Autumn! she had to go and *sniff* tell the whole class that i like Onyx! *sniff*"

"You know Victoria it's okay i mean it's happened to me before to!"


"Umm no... i was just trying to make you feel better.. Did it work?"

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