{21} Angel of Death

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"Mark, your too heavy man." Onyx says.

I couldn't blame him, we've been walking around for almost an hour and it feels like we've been going around in circles. What makes it worse is that Autumn and Mark keep arguing.

"Onyx set him down in the corner over there." Amethyst says.

"Alright." He replies letting go of Mark.

Come to think of it where is Nathaniel?

"Look! There's a tiny door near that coffin." Autumn shouts.

"Let's go." I say.

We slide down. How many layers does this castle have? This is like what our fourth? But anyway when we slide down we see a huge black orb. Next to the orb there is an old shrivelled up man? This place looks like a dungeon.

"Hello?" I say.

"Jade, don't what if it's evil?" Amethyst says.

"I've been expecting you... Amethyst.." The man says in a raspy voice.

"Who are you?" She asks.

The man comes closer and lifts his cloak to reveal black wings, his appearance changes into a much younger guy.

"You don't remember me? We always played together when we were younger!" He says running to hug her.

"Umm what?" Amethyst asks.

"You don't remember me?" He says as his eyes start to tear up.

"It's me Echo!" He says hugging her more tighter.

"Ugh I can't breath get off." She says.

"Amethyst! Who is this hott guy man!" Autumn says pushing Amethyst and introducing herself to Echo.

"Can you explain yourself please, and also why are you down here?" I ask.

"Well you see, I am an Angel of Death. I love her." Echo says.

"Say what?" Onyx shouts.

"Wow this is so rigged! F you man." Autumn says.

"Since, Claudia left i think it's safe to tell you everything." He continues. "Amethyst, you had your powers ever since you were little, and you found me. That time i ran away from my world because i didn't want to be a prince. I got lost and Amethyst saw me in the rain. I had a hard time because i didn't know how to hide my wings, so everyone looked at me like i was some kind of freak. Amethyst approached me- I thought she would've ran away, but she didn't she comforted me and told me many things which made me have confidence and return to my kingdom. I then found out that, the Dark Magic Ancestral Witch had died about 3 years ago. We had a book that would show me who the next successor would be and when i saw Amethyst's picture in it i was shocked. I flew back and we promised each other to get married when you turn 15." He says.


"F U onyx i was going to say that!" Autumn replies.

"But- I don't remember any of this!" Amethyst says looking a bit frightened.

"I took your memories away, so no one would find you. You knew that you had powers and other kingdoms wanted to kill all the Ancestral witches, they felt that they we're too strong. Little did they know was, if you kill an Ancestral witch their power transfers to the next bloodline. If all of you get your powers random people will come after you! You have to get out of here!" Echo warns.

"Yeah but how, and also what about our friends?" I ask.

"Amethyst can do the teleportation spell, she's been practicing ever since she was young, I taught her everything she needed to know." Echo says.

"Yeah but what about- It's alright, you can do advanced magic where you think about the person and location and that person will end up being there. But i warn you do not! I repeat not! Use your powers often." He says.

"Alright i got it." Amethyst says concentrating.

We all get teleported and Echo the Angel of Death is the one that shows up to direct us to the place we want to go. Which is Starry Sky Academy. We go through and it's like a normal school day began?! We're in our uniforms and we're all in the entrance of the school. Then i see Destiny, Victoria, and Nathaniel. Amethyst probably thought about Nathaniel to get here.

"Everyone okay?" I ask.

"Yeah.." Nathaniel says.

"Hey are we missing someone?" Amethyst asks.

"Hmm nope i don't think so." Autumn replies.

"Oh no! MARK!" I shout.


 How long are they going to take! I've been sitting here for about an hour and a half. I see a long stick and pick it up. If i want something done then i guess i'll have to do it myself. I tie the stick around my ankle and start to get up and walk. I come across some stairs. I wonder where they went.

"Hello?" I say.

I keep walking and i find a note on the ground. It says "Claudia's To-Do-List."

Is this witch stupid man what the fudge.

It reads.

1:Turn Gorislav into Vladmir

2: Lock Gorislav ( Now looks Like Vladmir) in the Dark Blood Citadel

3: Disguise as Gorislav

4:Crash dance

5:Get more power

6: Tell those stupid brats about my fake plan

7: Find Dark Magic Girl

8:Pick up dry cleaning

9:Rule the world and destroy all the realms!

"This is bad! - What happens if she forgets to pick up her dry cleaning! Gasp!" I shout.

More impotantly, I gotta pee.

This is so dang boring...

I bring out my phone and start playing games on it to pass the time.

I hear a sound.

I crawl behind a wall. Then i hear a voice.

 "Darn where did i leave my to-do-list, whatever no one will find out my master plan any way. Let alone those stupid kids." A girl voice says.

It's probably that grandma Claudia.

"Let's see what was my plan again? Oh right i need to kill that little fire girl. Those idiots don't know that they have like some power in them, except the bigggest threat which is the Dark magic girl. Whoever that is. If i can get that Autumn girl to come into the realm of Pyros, i can extract the rest of her power onto me. I can become even more powerful these fools won't know what hit them." She says laughing hysterically.

Wow this girl really is stupid why would she reveal that much does she not know that anyone could be down here and here her? All of a sudden the game on my phone makes a sound. "Oh shoot" I whisper trying to make it stop. I hear footsteps.

"What the hell? Little boy!" Claudia gasps as she point her finger at me.

"I'm Batman!" I say trying to move.

"Oh your injured." She says.

"Yeah get away you old hag," I fart into my hand and put my hand on her face.

"Hand Fart Kill Bish!" I say trying to crawl away.

"Fool!" She says coughing.

"I can make you king!" She shouts.

"Woah there? King? How?" I ask.

"If you help me with my little plan, i can grant you powers and anything you want, we can rule this world." She explains.

"Rule the world.. Me? Now i can make Autumn suffer! Hah! I'll help you old woman, for i am batman!" I say.

"Well then come along..." She says reaching her hand out to me.

You better watch out Autumn your going to get a world of hurt! In your face!

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