Turtle Hunt

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"We've been looking for mutagen for days now, dudes. This is so boring I'm gonna scream." There was a moment of silence. "Blahhhhh!"

"Mikey!" The three brothers yelled together.

"Okay. Okay! We get it. We'll take a little break and do something fun. Cool." The blue-clad turtle said as the other three turtles cheered aloud. "Training session! Yes." He heard his brothers groan. "Look, sensei wants me to train you guys and that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

The red-clad turtle groaned, "fine! But... if your gonna train us we get to choose the exercise."

Leo thought about it and nodded. "I'll wait for you guys on the next building. I'll be stretching." And with that Leo left.

Donnie and Mikey looked at Raph and waited for a response. Raph met both of their gazes and double checked to make sure that Leo was out of sight. He grinned. "Hey, why don't we play turtle hunt." Donnie and Mikey glanced at each other and smiled, then returned their glance back to Raph and nodded. "Alright then, here's the plan."

Leo was on the roof thinking about when his brothers where gonna arrive until he heard footsteps. He turned around. "Urgh, finally. Did you guys pick something or what?"

Mikey was trying to hid his giggles. "He-he yeah Leo, we picked one."

Donnie rolled his eyes and smiled, "yes Leo we have chosen turtle hunt."

"Turtle hunt? Are you sure? We haven't played that since we were kids." Leo met their gazes. "Alright then. You guys have five minutes to hide." He saw them leave and jump across the roof tops.

Donnie went to April's roof and hid out there. Raph went around the TCRI building and hid next to a build board sign and hid behind there. Mikey was to freaked out about Leo finding him that he forgot about the plan for Leo, and he knew that Raph was rarely ever found. So, he had decided to follow Raph, and find a hiding spot not to far away from him.

Mikey was hiding in an alley way. He was sitting next to an alley dumpster when he heard something coming near him. "Umm... hello. Who goes there?" No response. The footsteps were getting closer but Mikey knew that he should continue to stay in the shadows.

The footsteps suddenly stopped and the sound of a gun being pulled out echoed through the alley. "I know you're there, animal." The figure spoke, and Mikey shivered at the voice.

Mikey knew that the figure wasn't going to go away, so he decided to make a run for it and climb the fire escape. Okay Mikey you can do this. Ready... set... GO!!! Mikey ran towards the fire escape and jumped on the latter.

The figure spotted him and took the shot. The dart reached Mikey's arm and he knew he had to get out of there now. But the dart started taking effect his arms got super weak, and he couldn't feel his legs anymore. He fell off from the fire escape and started to lose consciousness. Until he remembered one thing. He had to use the last of his energy, for it to work. "Raph!" And then he lost consciousness.

"Raph!" The red-clad turtle snapped out of his unreasonable trance. "Mikey?" He whispered. He knew it could be just another prank, but he felt a bit of worry wash over him, so he decided to check it out. He went to the alley way where he heard his brother call.

"Mikey? Where are ya?" Raph was getting impatient for Mikey not answering him. He then saw a shadow, walking towards an unconscious Mikey. His eyes went wide at the scene. Nobody touches my little brother! He thought in his head.

The figure was getting closer and he had to act now. He threw his sai at the figure. The figure saw the sai and grabbed it by the handle only to look at it and laugh. He looked around the alley and saw nobody, but something was telling him to look up. He did so and saw another turtle and gasped. He dropped the sai. "There are more of you! Fascinating." He whispered the last part as he saw the red-clad turtle jump from the roof only to land in front of him about 15 feet away.

"Alright freak get away from my brother before I make ya regret it!" Raphael exclaimed angrily.

"Oh, no, I will do no such thing."

"And why not!"

"Because I am in need of a pet and I go into alley ways to find them. And this time, I think I have found the best pet yet!" He exclaimed.

"Well we are not nobodies pets! You hear me!" Raph was starting to see red.

"Not yet you aren't." The figure said coldly as he got his tranquilliser gun out and quickly took his shot.

Raph saw this are dodged the dart. Oh no he didn't just shoot a dart at me. Raph saw continuous darts coming straight towards him. The man is shooting like crazy. He thought to himself. "Will you just stop shooting these darts and fight me like a man!" He exclaimed. Suddenly the darts stopped coming and he stopped running to dodge them. He looked up and saw the man had his gun pointed towards Mikey, his eyes went wide and then mad. "Don't ya dare shoot that dart in my brother." He said sternly.

"Dare? All I heard was dare so..." He pulled the trigger and the dart landed in his neck and Mikey let out a soft, painful moan. "Did I forget to mention that this dart doesn't put people to sleep. Poison was what I put in this one, instead." The figure said as he saw a stunned turtle in front of him. He laughed at thought and shot the turtle with a dart and hit him in the leg. He saw the turtle trying to say something as the dart was making its effect. But all he can make out was, you'll pay for this. Then the turtle fell to the ground and saw pain in his face.

"At last." The figure started. "Now I have two pet turtles instead of one. Now I can play with them as long as I want until they die. Hope you turtles like playing the game that I am thinking of." Sooner or later the figure was laughing to himself like a crazy man in a rehab center. "It is game time my pets!"

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