Together Again

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The turtles were now on their fifth wave, and the robots were getting slightly bigger and stronger each wave. The boys were still going at it. They were so confident in saving their brothers. They seemed unstoppable.

From the corner of Donnie's eye, he saw movement. He turned for a quick glance and saw Falco walking towards his brothers. "Hey Falco! What are you doing? Get away from them." He demanded. Running towards the glass.

Leo heard the commotion and turned his head and turned back, he barley dodged a blow to the head. He had decided to protect Donnie. For the sake of all his brothers.

"Don't get your mask in knot Donatello." Falco retorted. "I'm just going to cure your brother Raphael. He had stopped breathing." He opened the cage and instructed a robot to carry him to the next room.

"Put my brother down." Donnie said. "I don't trust you."

"Please Donatello, I am not that mean. I would never kill someone." He explained, walking to the door. "E2x, watch the one known as Michaelangelo, for he is dangerous." The robot turned slightly and back around. "Oh and Donatello?"

"What do you want?" He said making full eye contact.

"Duck." He simply said then left.

"What?" He turned around to see a blade coming straight at him. He quickly ducked and gave Leo the evil eye. "Really Leo? You missed one." Donnie said in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry Donnie. I think that one slipped past me." Leo said with a toothy grin, then got serious. "Where's Falco?"

"Gone." He simply said. "He went to cure Raph but not Mikey." He said sadly.

"Leo look out!" A voice said behind them.

Leo panicked but did as he was told. He slide to the side, as a blade slightly scratched his arm and was bleeding a little. He then stabbed the bot and turned to the glass.

"Mikey!" Leo and Donnie screamed in unison.

"Haha. What up dudes?" Mikey said standing up.

"What? I'm sorry I'm confused." Donnie spoke up. "You were just helplessly unconscious in the corner bleeding. And now your all hyped up. I don't get it."

"Oh right. You know that shot he gave me." Mikey started.

"Yeah." They said slowly.

"Well he said it was a cure but I didn't believe him. I guess I was still delusional from the shot he gave me during dissection." He started cracking up. "I'm sorry dudes." He said in between laughter. He finally calmed down. "Oh yeah. So he gave me a cure because he knew you guys were coming. And he broke our promise. And he said he added some type of thing that makes me stronger and hyped up." He burst into laughter once again. "Whatever that means."

"Umm, Mikey I think you should stay down for a bit. You're a little too hyper." Leo said starring at him. "We'll get you out, just-"

"No dudes. I got this." Mikey said and stood up. The robot was still in front of him and was now watching him.

"Mikey this isn't a good idea!" Donnie exclaimed.

Mikey was closely watching his opponent and smiled. His smile faded soon afterwards, he got a really big migraine. He gripped his head and screamed.

"Mikey!" They both screamed once again.

"Donnie help me up!"

He agreed to it and lifted Leo up on his hands and threw him up. Once Leo was up, Donnie used his bō to throw himself up to the ledge. He landed it and him and Leo jumped through the other side together.

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