Poison 2 Blood

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Leo was walking to Raph's room when he heard the door unlock, but didn't open.

Leo was getting closer and then he heard a thump. He ran straight to Raph's door and knocked. "Raph it's me, Leo. Can I come in?"

No response.

He knocked again but opened the door slightly. "Raph?" He heard raspy breathing. He opened the door all the way and flicked on the lights.

He saw Raph on the floor, holding his arms and shaking.

"Raph!" Leo yelled and aided his fallen brother. "What's happening? Is it the collar? Donnie!" He yelled for assistance from his brother.

Raph didn't seem to acknowledge him. He was having some of the same side affects as before: seeing things double and laughing.

Donnie soon came in from the door. "What's-" he stopped mid-sentence and ran to his two brothers.

"What happened Leo?" Donnie asked, checking Raph's pulse. "Raph, follow my finger."

His eyes were open, but they couldn't focus on anything.

"I don't know Donnie. I just walked in here and he was like this."

Donnie nodded, identifying that he heard Leo.

Raph soon started laughing and pointing. "What's that? And h-how d-did you get i-in h-here?" He laughed again. He was pointing at them. "W-why are there f-five of you g-guys in here?"

"Oh no. Leo help me get Raph into my lab I think the poison was activated from Falco." Donnie said in a panic.

"No I w-want to stay h-here." Raph said resisting, and was struggling out of their grasps.

"Raph come on." Leo pleaded.

"No." Raph said and watched his brothers. He laughed soon again. "Okay, you win." He said getting up. "But first..." He ran out of his room into the dojo. "Sensei!"

Donnie and Leo raced after Raph, who was calling out for Splinter.

Splinter was in a deep meditative trance. His ears were flipping and twitching against the air.

Raph saw him and smiled. He sneaked up to him and sat in front of him. His smile faded.

"Raph," whispered Leo, at the entrance. "Get out of here, you know we're not suppose to disturb sensei while he's meditating."

Raph ignored him and tapped Splinter's shoulder. Splinter opened his eyes with a jolt and immediately calmed down after he saw who it was.

"What is the matter, my son?" Splinter asked, examining Raphael.

"Sensei, I don't feel good." Raph answered.

"What is it?" Splinter insisted.

"I-" Raph didn't finish his sentence before he threw up red. Blood.

Splinter stood up in a startle. Raph looked up and had a sad expression. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and fell into the blood.

Leo and Donnie now ran into the room. Splinter already had Raph in his hands and looked up to his other sons. His eyes were saying to please help.

"Sensei keep his head up please, I'll be back." Donnie instructed as he ran out the dojo door.

Splinter had barley just nodded, he wasn't really indicating what was going on around him.

"What happened, Leonardo?" Splinter asked his elder son.

"I don't know sensei, I think Falco activated the poison serum inside of him."

"I thought Donatello said that the serum wasn't going to affect him. Didn't he give Raphael the medication he needed." He scolded.

"Well yes, but Raphael was being so stubborn that he locked himself in his room." Leo finished.

Master Splinter was going to say something else but Donnie ran through the dojo doors, carrying a big bag.

"Sensei can you put him down? Away from the blood." Donnie instructed. Splinter obligated and moved out of his smartest sons way. "I need to give him the IV, maybe it will help." He said, taking out a needle through his duffle bag.

Donnie gave Raph the shot and applied the applicator to it. He started to clean the blood of his unconscious brother. "Can you guys please take him to the lab and set him on the table? I need to clean this." He asked, pointing at the blood on the floor.

"It is alright Donatello, I will clean up in here. You take Raphael to your lab and help him, for I do not know what I will be doing once we are in there."

Donnie nodded and bowed to him. Leo helped Donnie carry Raph to the set up bed.

"Okay the IV I just gave him should stop the poison process for quite sometime. I don't know how long though." He said sadly. "I need to set a heart monitor for him just like Mikey has one. He is basically going to need what Mikey has."

Leo nodded and helped Donnie set up the machines. "So much for rest. This is going to be a long night."

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