Break In

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The two turtles were running down the hallway until they met up with a metal door. Leo and Donnie stared at the door in aww.

"Alright Leo, so how are we going to get in?" Donnie asked panicky, starring at the door.

"What do you mean how? I thought you can pick locks." Leo said getting worried as well.

"Oh yeah. Sorry it's just the panic feeling I have. Like-"

"Get away from me!" A voice came through the metal door.

"That sounded like Mikey!" Donnie exclaimed, already getting to work on picking the lock.

"Hurry Donnie." Leo said.

As soon as Donnie unlocked the door, one more agonizing scream escaped the door.

"Come on Donnie move!" Leo said pulling Donnie inside.

When they ran through the door, they froze in their tracks. They had spotted their two brothers, both in different situations.

Raph was chained to the wall, panting and struggling to keep his eyes open. Mikey was strapped to a metal table and was bleeding slightly. He was also trying to keep his eyes open, until he spotted them.

"Guys... help." He said barley above a whisper.

Donnie and Leo both growled when they saw Dr. Falco walking towards Mikey.

"Get away from him!" Donnie yelled. Dr. Falco turned to him.

"Don't you dare touch him." Leo growled in a low, cold voice.

"Oh so we are playing Truth or Dare. I had no idea." He smiled. "But, all I heard was 'dare touch him' so..." He reached Mikey and placed the muzzle on his face.

Muffled noises can from the muzzle again. Dr. Falco had also given him a shot that burned through his entire body.

Mikey was screaming and struggling. His breathing was uneven. From all of his struggling, he had reopened the deep gash even more that was above his shell. It was bleeding heavily once again. So much tears were dripping from Mikey's cheeks to his shell.

It all happened so fast. "Mikey!" The two turtles screamed in unison and ran in an instant towards their youngest brother.

Mikey was whimpering and the pain had turned into a numbing sensation. His eyelids were heavy and he slipped into unconsciousness.

The man had laughed and dodged the blow to his head, given by Leo's twin katanas.

"Donnie, stop the bleeding and get him off that table!" Leo said. He saw him hesitate, he wanted to help him. "Now Donnie! We're wasting time!" Donnie nodded and ran towards Mikey.

"You need to keep Raph distracted Leo! He can't close his eyes. I don't know what exactly is wrong with him yet." Donnie exclaimed.

Leo gave him a slight nod and made his way towards Raph. He was nearly there until he made up with one obstacle: Dr. Falco.

"Get out of my way, Falco." Leo growled.

"I don't think so Leonardo. You'll have to get by me." Falco stated.

Raph would leave his eyelids closed longer and then reopen them in a jolt. Leo saw this and it worried him. "Raph! Concentrate on me. Think about something else. Anything to stay awake. Please."

Raph slightly looked up. He had no idea that his brothers had got here. "L-leo... is t-that y-you?" He said weakly.

"Yeah bro. It's me." Leo said as he charged at Dr. Falco, but failed. "Just talk to me Raph. What happened?" He asked as Dr. Falco dodged another swing by Leo's blade.

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