I Have No Title

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Falco entered a new room, where a computer system was in. He sat in his chair and unlocked his screen.

Once it loaded he started to type. He was constantly changing and opening files and replacing them.

He stopped to rub his temples and sigh. "I'm bored. It has been approximately two hours. My boredom is becoming a serious medical condition. I want to play. No. I need to play."

He got up from his chair and walked out of the computer room, into a dim room. It was the same room the turtles were in.

"I miss the little fellows, I wish I didn't have to kill them. But I am a man of my word, I can not break a commitment like that to myself." He sighed, "I don't know what I'm going to do."

He said to himself thinking. "Oh, I know how to have fun!" He exclaimed. "Now where did I leave my remote."


Master Splinter had finally finished cleaning the blood off the floor and his robe.

He was walking to the lab to check on his sons. As he walked in, he didn't like was he was seeing.

He saw four sons, and two of them were unconscious. Raphael had the same equipment and machines hooked up to him that Michaelangelo had.

"Leonardo, Donatello." Splinter spoke, catching his sons sad glares. "I would very much appreciate it if you tell me what you have encountered. I wish to know what we are dealing with."

Donnie and Leo looked at each other, then back to their Sensei, they both nodded and were telling Splinter everything.


"Ah ha! I found my remote." Falcon said excitedly. "Now who should I torment next?" He thought for a while, "the orange one is still unconscious. I am sure of it. And I already messed with the red one, I'll bring him back to conscious." He starred at his remote. "Get ready for your shock therapy Jason."

He pushed the button.


"And then that brings us to now Sensei," Leo spoke sadly.

"I see well-" his ears were twitching as they picked up a small sound. He was hearing electrical sounds. He turned to his two unconscious sons.

As soon as he did, he saw Mikey's collar with light blue streaks that looked like lightning.

"Sensei, what's wrong?" Donnie asked standing.

"Donatello. Why is Michaelangelo's collar doing that?" He asked full aware of what was going on.

Donnie and Leo turned and saw the same thing. Their eyes got wide and watery.

A few seconds later, loud shocks were being heard.

Mikey was convulsing and his heart monitor was beeping fast.

The three mutants watched Mikey get electrocuted, in horror.

Mikey was still shaking and was now starting to scream, as the powerful currents went straight through him.

Watching his son being electrocuted, just broke Splinter's heart. Tears stung his eyes as one managed to slip from his eye.

After another ten seconds the electrocution finally stopped. Mikey slowly opened his eyes, but quickly shut them back. He groaned as he finally received pain shooting from his body.

Donnie ran to Mikey and checked the monitors and machines. Some of the machines were destroyed during the shock. Donnie never heard Mikey but he lifted his arm and checked his pulse. It was normal and he sighed in relief.

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