Waking Up

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Mikey's P.O.V.

I was waking up in a sort of hard bed, it kind of hurt my back. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw them huddled around a table and were talking about something. I just didn't think of it yet.

I was hearing whispers from Donnie and Raph. Wait Raph?

I don't think now's a bad time to pull one of my famous pranks. Well maybe it's a bad idea, nah, who cares. Raph still needs one of his daily pranks, and Donnie lied to me.

Oh yeah. This is going to be good.

I was using my ninja skills to take off all the wires and IV that I had hooked up on me.

It was kind of weird cause nothing hurt, except for my throat a little.

Once I was done I was using my ninja skills to sneak up from behind them. But when my eyes turned white from being in stealth mode, I couldn't feel anything.

My reaction was to growl, and when I did Donnie and Raph turned around.

"Mikey!" They yelled but more like questioned, as soon as they turned around.

I didn't react to them. I see them I just can't control my body, for some reason.

I turned away and back. I flashed my teeth at them, along with another growl that made them step back.

"Oh no, Mikey was acting this way before we broke out with you." Donnie said to Raph.

Raph didn't say anything but I knew that he understood what Donnie said.

"Where is Falco, Donatello?" Why was I speaking like that?

"I don't know. Up on the surface." I saw him gulp, why? Was he afraid of me?

"Very well. I shall return." I started walking out the lab, but forced myself to stop.

I need to take control, just need to concentrate.

I fell to the floor screaming again in pain, and had my eyes closed. Everything was blocked out. I couldn't hear anything but I know Donnie and Raph were by my side because I felt two pairs if hands by my side.

I opened my eyes and everything went back to normal. I was able to hear and no more pain. I opened my eyes and saw my brother's worried expressions.

"You know what Raph? Just by looking at your face, I can tell that you want revenge. And I'm in." I simply said walked to the entrance.

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