Game Time

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Raphael was watching Mikey sleep for an hour the best he could, cause it was so darn dark in the medium size room. He had tried to get the collars off but they were impossible to get off without his weapons. He was about to dose off until Mikey stirred in his sleep and groaned awake.

"Mmm. mmmm nnnn."

"Uh, if your asking if I'm still here. I am." He saw Mikey struggling to get up, with his hands tied behind his back. Mikey broke the silence by whimpering.

"Don't worry Mikey I think they already figured out that we're missing." He said with confidence. "Leo is probably running around the lair and the streets to try to find us. And Donnie is most likely trying to hack into our T-phones right about now... Now Master Splinter could also be meditating to try and contact our spirits." He said the last part sadly.

They were silent for a while, until the man barged through the door. "Hello my dear Kevin and Jason. Are you boys ready to play Truth or Dare?"

"Seriously! You dragged us all the way out here just so we can play that! You've got to be really stupid to think that we're going to play with you!" Raph yelled furiously.

"Oh is that how you really feel? I am sorry to say that you have no choice."

"Oh really!" He said sarcastically. "What if we just choose to not answer your Truth or Dare questions. What will you do to your so called pets?!"

"I will just do this..." The man said as he pulled out a pocket knife, and went towards the direction of Mikey. He was watching Mikey slowly coward against the wall. He chuckled at the scene. And struck the knife down in his leg. Mikey screamed through the muzzle as the man was moving the knife in his leg.

"Stop!!" Raph yelled, now getting tense.

"I will only stop if you answer my question: Truth or Dare?" He said slowly.

Raph growled but then saw the look on Mikey's face and yelled, "truth! Just get that knife away from my brother!"

The man smiled, then ripped out the knife from his leg. He planted the knife back in his jacket and said, "excellent." The man was now humming a tune to think of a truth question. As fast as a light could turn on, he had came up with a perfect truth. "How long can you hold your breath?" He said with a bit of satisfaction in his voice.

"Really?! Out of all the questions in the world you decide to ask that one. I mean, you stabbed my little brother in the leg just so that you could know how long I can hold my breath?! You've got to be freaking kidding me!" Raph screamed now getting on his last nerve from this man.

"You will do it. And I will have an answer." He walked towards the direction of the door. "I shall return. And when I do I will have my answer." He said harshly and slammed the door when he exited.

"Argh! These stupid collars! If I ever do get these collars off I'm gonna kill that man slowly and painfully!" Raph yelled trying to pull the collar off from the wall. He exhaled very loudly and slowly when he heard Mikey crying through the muzzle and he snapped out of his trance. He shut his eyes and said, "I'm sorry Mikey. That man just gets on my last freaking nerves. How's your leg?" Now getting worried. But all he got was muffled sobs. He once again exhaled, but this time it was one of worried mixed with frustration.

They were silent once again, but this time the man didn't come in until 5 minutes have passed. "Hello Kevin. Are you ready for your truth?" He said as he put a bucket filled with water down in front of Raph. He walked towards Mikey to take off the muzzle. "I think that you have been punished enough for now, Jason." He said calmly.

"What's the water for?" Raph asked slightly irritated at the man.

"Why, it's to find out your truth." The man said softly.

"Well I am NOT going to put my face in that freezing cold water just so that you can find out how long I can hold my breath!"

"Oh. Alrighty then. That is just fine then." The man said. He walked towards the bucket and picked it up. Then he walked towards Michaelangelo.

"Wait what are you doing?" Raphael asked getting worried to what the man was doing.

"Well, you had your chance to play, and you rejected your turn. So now it's Jason's turn to take your turn for this round." He then placed the bucket down in front of Mikey.

"Hold up! It's my turn! Why is he taking my turn that's not fair."

"Oh, did I not tell you that if you reject your turn, then the other player has to take your turn." He said swiftly.

"No actually. You didn't really tell us that little piece of information!"

"Well at least you now know that 'little' piece of information for the next time you decide to skip on your turn." He turned to face the pale Mikey, who was just watching his leg bleed. "So my little Jason." He said slowly. "How long can you hold your breath for?" He asked the poor shaking turtle.

Mikey looked up at the man and did not respond to the man.

"Jason, my pet." He said slowly and for Mikey, scary. "I asked you a question. How long, can you, hold, your breath?" He asked him once again.

"Umm... I-i don't k-know... for a while I guess..." Mikey answer shyly.

"Well then, why don't we do a little practice run?" Mikey looked at Raph and then to the bucket, he whimpered at the mans comment. "Hmm. I'll take that as a yes."

Right before Mikey could actually recall to what was happening, the man grabbed Mikey's face and made eye contact with him, only to giggle at his scared face. Then he grabbed the back of Mikey's neck and forced his face into the water, only to be holding him down.

The man laughed very evilly. "Now Jason... Let us see how long you can really hold your breath for."

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