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Leo and Splinter were battling the robots until they were all gone. Out of the corner of Splinter's eye he spots something.

"Who goes there?" Splinter commanded, catching Leo's attention once again.

"Alright... you win." Falco came out of the shadows with his hands in the air. "There. There. There is really nothing to be afraid of. Isn't that right Leonardo?"

"Do not speak to my son. How did you find my sons?" Splinter commanded.

"Oh it's a funny story... true story. Every time I need a new pet I go to New York's alleyways and find stray pets. This time when I went I walked into one and had a feeling that an animal was there, so I scouted the place and found Michelangelo there. He ran in the shadows climbing up the fire escape. I wouldn't have noticed him if I haven't seen a small glare coming from his weapon. I took the shot and as I was about to get him, red came along." He finished with a smile.

Splinter sighed in his head and continued to stare at the man. He spoke to him in a gentle voice. "Please let my sons go. They have not done anything to interfere with your life. Just let us please get their collars off, it is very distracting to them, and they cannot do anything while they are on. My sons Michelangelo and Raphael are still unconscious because of that." He finished looking down.

"Michelangelo is still unconscious? That's not what I planned on doing, how is he?" Falcon asked worried.

"He's still unconscious. What part of that don't you get?" Leo jumped in the talk.

"I broke my own promise. My rules were to wake Michelangelo and then Raphael to keep torturing them." Splinter and Leo both shivered at his comment, but he continued. "But now that I made one simple mistake I need to let them go."

"Then please..." Splinter started but was interrupted.

"Why did I lose? I'm such an idiot!" Falco said, mostly to himself. "I'm sorry!" He ran to Splinter to hug him.

Splinter starred at him in confusion and disbelief. He thought to himself, that he should comfort the man to get his hands on the remote.


"Mikey wait!" Donnie said following him out. "I agree with you. You know, for revenge and all, but-"

"No Donnie! He's done too much to us and we've done nothing wrong to him, and now it has to be even." Mikey yelled at his older brother.

"I agree with Mikey on this Donnie," Raph said from behind him, coming out if the lab. "I mean look at us, we have collars Donnie. They torture us, how can we not get revenge on Falco? Especially when we still have them on." He said wrapping his arm around Mikey.

Donnie just stood there thinking.


"I will release them. But I warn you, it will be very painful. Perhaps even unbearable." Splinter closed his eyes but nodded.

From behind Splinter, Leo got out his T-phone and texted Donnie on what was going to happen.

Falco pushed the button.


Donnie's phone vibrated. He took it out and read the message. His eyes got wide and starred at his two brothers who were looking at each other confusingly.

"It'll be over before you know it guys." Donnie said as his eyes got watery.

Their confused glares changed to painful ones.

Mikey was the first to react. He put both hands on the collar, and screamed. He fell to the floor from the pain.

As Mikey fell to the ground, Raph started to scream from the pain. He fell on his knees and started coughing and screaming more.

Tears were falling from his face as he watched in horror. Donnie just watched for he couldn't do anything to make their pain stop.


"It is alright." Splinter said to Falco. "Hand me the remote, please."

Falco nodded and obligated.

"Come with me Falco. I have an idea where you can get help." Splinter walked out the front door with Falco followed by Leo.

"This man is seriously twisted." Leo said to himself.

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