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Master Splinter and Leo were sitting on the couch, waiting for Donnie to come out of his lab. They were sitting there for five minutes but Leo just about had enough.

"Sensei, why aren't we doing anything?" Leo stood up. "Donnie could be needing our help and we're just sitting out here waiting for results that might never be indicated. For all we know something could be happening right now. I just have this feeling that it is." Leo said, looking down to the floor once again.

"Leonardo, I know that you are anxious to see your brothers, but Donatello is doing his best to get the collars off. He has instructed me to be out of the room with you, and I trust in him. Your brother will not let you nor me down." Master Splinter said, looking up into his sons pleading eyes and looked away, to the lab. He didn't want to admit it but he too was getting a bad feeling.


Splinter and Leo's attention faced the lab door.

They heard banging on the walls.

They ran to the door and barged in. They saw Donnie's machine malfunctioning while around Mikey's throat. He was trying to stop it from getting any worse.

Donnie was in a pull panic, typing on his computer rapidly. He saw two familiar mutants out of the corner of his eye, but ignored them for the moment.

Splinter ran full speed to his stressed out son. "Donatello. What has happened?" He yelled.

"Falcon activated the collar to constrict, and it's messing up my machine." Donnie finished typing and starred at his brother's heart monitor, that was beeping more than normal. "No!" Donnie yelled one last time as the machine broke in two.

As soon as it did, the collar stopped constricting and Mikey's heart beat came back to normal.

"Donnie what was that?" Leo spoke, stepping up from behind him.

"Falco must have knew what was going on, and what I was trying to do." Donnie said looking away in shame.

"I think I know what we have to do." Leo said as his relatives looked at him. "I think we need to pay Falco a visit."

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