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"Leonardo... Donatello... Come out come out, where ever you are."


Leo was walking angrily out the lab door, and to the Shellrazor.

"Leo! Please, be reasonable!" Donnie yelled out to him. Still staying by Mikey's side. He sighed and looked down.

Master Splinter looked at his purple-banded son. "I will be back Donatello." He said heading toward the door.

"Where are you going, Sensei?" Donnie said as his eyes followed him.

"Just keep an eye on your brothers, for I know nothing of this." He looked at Leo who was almost at the entrance. "It is time to end your brothers suffering." He said lastly and left the room.

Donnie starred after him shocked, but on the inside he was smiling.

"Leonardo," Splinter called out to his son who was about to close the door.

"Please don't try and stop me Sensei. I want this to stop already." Leo said turning back to him.

"I did not come here to try and stop you, Leonardo. I have come here to put an end to this." Splinter said as he brushed passed his son, into a seat.

Leo watched him in shock. He wasn't expecting his father to come with him, but to give him a lecture.

Leo looked at Splinter and smiled. He got to the drivers seat and took off.


Donnie was upset. He didn't know that the collar was going to do that. It amazed him to no extant.


Donnie turned around in a flash, for his eyes to meet up with hazel green eyes. "Raph."

Raph looked at his brother, who was quickly checking him over.

"I'm fine Donnie." Raph said, trying to push him away.

"I'm just double checking Raph. How are you feeling?" Donnie asked.

"A little sore... from the inside." He said quietly.

"Good. Raph there's something I need to tell you about... it's about the collars." Donnie said walking away, back to his computer.

"What is it?" Raph asked, waiting a few seconds after he saw Donnie hesitate. "That you can't get the collars off after you tried the remote and possibly some other stuff." He finished with a glare.

"Well yeah. But instead of two tries, I had to attach the remote to a machine." Donnie said looking down.

"So you can't get them off." Raph asked, grinding his teeth. He started to look around, "wait. Why am I in here? Did you drag me in here after you did something to me?" Raph exclaimed pointing at his brother.

"What? No! You don't remember anything?" Donnie questioned stepping forward again.

"Apparently not." Raph retorted.

"Leo found you in your room, holding on to your arms and eyes not in focus. He called me and once I got in you were laughing and calling out for Splinter. Once you found him in a meditative trance you threw up blood and passed out. My guess was that the poison was activated." Donnie finished.

"Is that why I'm here?" Raph sighed and looked down. "Where's Mikey?"

"Did you bother to look on the other side of your bed?" Donnie asked sarcastically.

Raph turned next to his bed and sighed. "Right. How is he?"

"He's OK. I gave him a sedate cause I tried to take off the collar but it didn't work. Somehow Falco broke my machine by his collar."

"That bitch is going to pay. Where's Leo? I'm going back to fix this problem, now." He said sitting up.

"Oh about that," Raph saw Donnie hesitate, "he and Splinter already left."

"What do you mean they left?" Raph exclaimed getting off the bed.

"First of all, you still need to be in bed. At least for a few hours. Second, don't yell at me. And lastly they left cause the machine didn't work, and cause Mikey was basically tortured by electrocution... again.

"Again!" Raph grunted. "That's the third time." He said, switching sides to Mikey's. And was standing next to him.

"Wait. Raph, how come you feel totally fine? You were just poisoned awhile back, you know." Donnie asked, in full doctor mode.

Raph noticed this too. He gave Donnie his full attention. "Many things have happened that we don't get, Donnie. But it could be a side affect from the other IV. I think it cured me, or something."

"I'll go with the something. Can I run another scan?" Donnie asked hesitantly.

Raph grunted but complied. Donnie was happy. He didn't know it would have taken him to be in captivity, just so that he can obligate.


"Is this the place Leonardo?" Splinter asked from the back of his son's seat.

"Yes Sensei. This is it." He sighed.

"Then let us go." Splinter said walking out of the vehicle.

"Hai." Leo answered and followed his Master.

Once they were in the building, Splinter was using his rat instincts to search for Falco or any opponents.

"This way Leonardo." Splinter instructed his son, but then stopped in his tracks. "Leonardo, I sense something." He said looking around the dark building.

Leo was now on alert. He was following his Master's lead. "I don't sense anything Sensei." Leo whispered.

Just then, whirling noises were coming from all around them. They didn't have to say anything, but they knew that they were surrounded.

Robots of different sizes came out and one of them spoke.

"The turtle, known as Leonardo has helped the one known as Raphael and Michaelangelo escape. E7-6 will capture him for experimentation." The robot finished then charged at the surrounded mutants, with the help of the other robots.

At the time Leo gulped, Splinter spoke. "You will not touch my son!" He exclaimed and started taking the robots apart, one by one.

Leo smiled in relief and fought along side Splinter. He was glad he had a great Master like Splinter.


"Hmm, intruders. I can indeed fix that... wait I thought Donatello was here. It sounds like a different yet older man." Falco hummed. "Well he sounds tougher, guess I'll have to take care of him myself."

Falco left his safe room and walked to where all the commotion was about.



"What is it Donnie?" Raph asked worriedly, but tried not to show it.

"The poison was actually cured. I don't know how, but it did. The IV was good for something." Donnie exclaimed.

"That's good." Raph hesitated. "But what about Mikey. He still out cold and can still have the poison activated in him."

Donnie's smile faded, "oh yeah. Well I can honestly say that according to the facts that happened to you, I think that Mikey will make a full recovery just like you did."

"Maybe you're right."

"Have I ever been wrong?" Donnie retorted.

"Don't start." Raph commanded.

"Sorry." Donnie said sheepishly.

"So our only problem now is the collars. And I feel totally fine... when is Mikey going to wake up again?" Raph asked.

"He should wake up in a few minutes. Why?"

"Should he be fine to walk?"

"Yeah. He should have a sore throat but other than that he should be fine... Where are you going with this?" Donnie asked nervously.

"I think that Splinter and Leo could use a little help. And I can use a little payback too."

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