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No P.O.V.

"Alright Raph, I need you to lye down on this table." He gestured to a metal table that was next to his computer.

Raph stayed quite and obligated with what Donnie told him. Everyone, including Splinter was surprised that Raphael was listening quietly, without any signs of disobeying.

"Raphael, something seems to trouble you my son. Do you wish to speak of it?" Master Splinter asked from behind Donnie.

Raph stayed quite and just looked at him. "Can the scan be done first? I need to see if something is true." He spoke up after a while.

Everyone just gave him a confused glare but agrees to it.

"Alright Raph, just take a deep breath and hold it until I tell you." Donnie instructed.

Raph nodded and did what he was told. He held his breath for about fifteen seconds before Donnie told him he was good to go.

"Okay, running a complete diagnostic test of your blood, and internal organs. It's going to take a few minutes." Donnie made short eye contact and spoke again, "Raph in the meantime I need to give you an IV. Just to prevent-"


Donnie and everyone else looked at him. "Why not? It's for your own good."

"Yeah, sure. That's also what Falco said." Raph said quietly but a little too loud.

"What did you say?" Leo spoke up. Now standing and walking to Raph.

"My son, what is bothering you?" Splinter also came into the conversation.

Ignoring all of their questions Raph spoke, "Donnie, is that scan almost done yet."

"Yeah, now let's see," he said typing fast once again. He stopped typing and his eyes got wide and started at Raph.

"It's true, huh Donnie." Raph said without even looking at him.

"What is it? What's wrong with him?" Leo asked in a panic.

"I don't know what to say Raph." Donnie said silently.

For some reason, Raph snapped. "Well I do Donatello! I don't want that IV because we both have gotten too many serums in our blood stream. I can't take it anymore! I hate him!" He sighs. "He has an extra remote, and the poison in our blood can be activated from him. It only sets off if he wants it to. If he chooses to kill us in this very spot." Raph finished and closed his eyes and clenched his fist.

"Raphael it is alright. We will make it through this. You and your brother will be alright." Splinter finished. Looking into his short-tempered son's eyes.

"Sensei," he stopped to think. "He saw the future and told me about it. He knew that we were going to escape. That we were leaving with the remote, and in the situation that we're in now."

Everyone was silent. No noise was made except for Mikey's heart monitor, in a steady beeping.

"Raph," Donnie started. "I know you're not a big fan of IV's, but trust me I'm your brother. I can make a special medicine to slow down the process until I find a cure." He was looking into Raph's eyes. "As soon as I do that for you two, I can get those collars off."

Raph nodded.

"I'm also going to need you to stay in the lab for a few days." Donnie said quietly.

Raph was about to speak up until Master Splinter gave him the eye. All he did was grunt for his response.


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