The Deal (I already used this title... oh well)

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Donatello and Leonardo were just about to go in another search for their brothers. It has been two days since they have last seen them. They were walking into the Shellrazor when Master Splinter stopped them.

"My sons..." He called out to them.

"Yes sensei?" They asked in unison.

"Have either of you had any recent new encounters?"

"No sensei, why do you ask?" The turtle in blue responded.

"Because, Leonardo, I am getting a new sense that the enemy we are facing is different. One that we have not faced before." He sighed and continued, "just be careful and come home safe my sons." He finished walking towards the dojo.

Donnie and Leo gave each other a quick glance. Leo had a confident look in his eyes. Donnie once had a worried face, but was replaced with a strong one.

They both ran inside the Shellrazor, and went to start from square one.


"Alright, Donnie. Is there anything that we've could have missed?" Leo asked as they got back to the same alley way.

"Well, I've been thinking," he started.

"Shocking," Leo said under his breath.

Donnie gave him a small glare and rolled his eyes. "Well, when we were there last night, I think that something caught my eye. I just need to find it."

"Do you think you can make of what was it that you saw?"

"No. Like I said, I don't know what I saw." He said looking closely at the floor. His eyes went wide. He picked up a dart. It was somewhat a distance away from the pile of others.

"What's up Donnie?" Leo asked from behind him.

"It's this dart, there is a small marking on it. And it's slightly different from the others in that pile. This dart must have had a different chemical in it, since it's the only one with a marking." He squinted looking at the markings. "It's says, Dr. Falco Inc., I wonder what that is?"

"I don't know Donnie. But I think that we should do research on it?" Leo said.

"Yeah your right, I can do that in the Shellrazor." He said walking towards the vehicle. Leo nodded and followed his lead.


"So did you find out what it is yet Donnie?" Leo asked.

"Umm... not yet..." Donnie sighed. "Oh, wait I got something!" He said as his eyes went wide. "Let's see. According to the chemical, it was a type of poison serum. And by from what I got from the dart, it was already used." He said sadly.

Leo's eyes went wide, "it was used on Mikey!"

"How do you know that? You weren't with them?" He asked curiously.

"Last night I meditated and contacted Mikey. He said that they're in danger and doesn't know where they're at. He somewhat told me what was going on in there."

Donnie's eyes were filled with hurt and more importantly, anger. "And just when were you planning on telling me?!" Donnie exclaimed.

"Because you were... how should I put this... knocked out for, oh I don't know, until two hours ago! How can I tell my brother what's going on, if he is not even aware of his surroundings?!" Leo finished loudly. Then he calmed down. "I'm sorry Donnie I just-"

A sound outside the Shellrazor caught both of the turtle's attention. They quited down, and kept listening.

There was a knock on the vehicle door. "Anybody in there?"

The boys didn't know what to do but stay quite with wide eyes just watching the door.

"Hello?" The man said again. "I know that there are two of you fellows in there. And don't play silent with me. I already have two pet turtles who play silent with me."

Donnie and Leo's eyes got wider than they could get. Did he just say turtles?

Leo was now very curious, "did you just say, pet, turtles?"

"Yes turtles, one has a red mask and the other an orange."

The two turtles have gotten real angry and were about to ask him another question until...

"And before you ask another question, I would very much appreciate it if you give me my dart back." He stopped and giggled at the door. "Come on out blue and purple I won't hurt you." He said with his fingers crossed.

"How do you know about us?!" They said in unison.

"That is for another time. Now come on Kevin and Jason are waiting for their brothers."

They didn't know what to say.

"Oh, did I forget to mention, that if you take too long to come out... I have a collar around the red one... and if I wish to, in a push of a button, red will get poisonous needles forced into his throat that will also make him become delusional." He laughed at the enternce. "Tick tock turtles."

"Alright we're coming out. You better not pull anything though." Donnie said. He pushed the Shellrazor door open, and Leo stepped out first.

"Hello turtles. It is very nice to see you two. Let me guess you are all trained in some type of martial arts, aren't you?" He said smiling with a glare.

The two boys both nodded both of them having angry glares as well.

"No need to get angry now. Or possibly the younger one gets it, but instead his collar is hooked on to an electrical field. Come." He said walking away.

"Why would we follow you? And why would you kidnap us?" Leo said.

"Because... I am a scientist. And scientists look for animals, like you, to dissect and experiment on." He said with a smile. He heard the sound of swords being unleashed. "I have been experimenting on something. I do not think that you would like to see it."

"Oh, really. That's just a risk I'm willing to take." Donnie said running toward Dr. Falco.

Donnie swung at the mans head, but missed painfully. It was like he was never there.

"There is something you should know, umm, what's the name? Oh yes, Donatello. I have created a psychic neural chemical." He smiled evilly. "I know everything you can throw at me."

The turtles stood there ground. They weren't planning on leaving without at least knowing where their brothers were at.

"I'll make you turtles a deal, but, you'll have to do something in return."

"What do you have in mind?" Leo said through gritted teeth. Still keeping his fighting stance.

"I'll bring you your brothers here at the same time tomorrow night. And we have to play a little game I call: Truth or Dare. Instead of them playing, you both will take their place as they watch you play."

"What's the catch?" Donnie asked eagerly to know what they had to do.

"Well, if you win, all four of you can go home and I'll forget all about all of you. But if you lose, I will let the two go and I'll take you both to experiment with. So. What do you turtles say?" He eyed them. "I'll give you a minute."

"No! No minute. We accept your little deal." Leo said as Donnie stared at him with wide eyes.

"Very well. Until tomorrow turtles." And with that he left.

"What was that Leo?! Why did you agree so fast?!" Donnie asked slightly annoyed.

"Because Donnie. The idiot of your big brother Leo, accidentally activated a spy roach to follow him. Oops." He said with a smile.

Donnie smiled as well. "So, are we moving tonight?"

"Oh, you bet your shell we are." They ran towards the Shellrazor.

Truth or Dare? (TMNT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now