Here Are The Rules

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Raph's P.O.V.

My eyes are still closed but I can feel my body. I wonder where that creep brought us. I think I can move, but my eyes are sealed shut, I don't know what to do. Hey, where's Mikey?!? OK, I need to open my eyes, now.

"Aww man..." I complained cause the room is so dark. Wait, Mikey! The poison! That bastard! "Mikey!" I called out. "Are you in here? Answer me if you are." I heard a faintful groan.

"R-raph... i-is that y-you?" Mikey said from across the room. His voice was barley a whisper.

"Mikey are you OK? How are ya holdin' up?" I asked nervously.

"I-i can tell y-you for a fact, that I have been b-better. My body f-feels l-like its- oww oww..."

"Mikey!" I started to panic now. What was that poison doing to him? "OK, Mikey listen to me. What is hurting right now?" I ask as I get up to go towards him.

"I-i d-don't k-know... I feel burning everywhere as if it's inside me."

"OK Mikey I'm coming to you I..."

"You can't Raphie... the c-c-collar on your neck..."

"What collar?" I was getting slightly annoyed and I reached for my neck. I felt it and followed the chain towards the wall. Don't I feel like an idiot. I told myself quietly. "I didn't even feel it." I told Mikey.

"H-hey, Raph..." His thought was interrupted by the door slamming wide open and was letting in a good amount of light.

"Hello my turtle pets. Guess what time it is?" The man spoke slowly.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We are not your pets!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Oh, but you are. I just haven't given you little fellows names yet." He was walking towards my little brother.

"Don't ya dare touch him!" I yelled angrily.

"OK then." He spoke. Then he grabbed Mikey by the throat and starting lifting him up. Mikey started to struggle instantly and grabbed the man's hand to try to make his hand loose. My eyes went wide as he spoke again, "you do not tell me what to do! YOU are on my turf now! You do not tell me what to do. Do you hear me pet!?" He said as he was facing me with Mikey still in his hands.

Mikey was now gasping for air. "OK OK! Just put my brother down." I felt so helpless saying that, only if it wasn't for this stupid collar I would have wringed his neck by now.

He turned his head towards Mikey and gasped. "Oh no!" He dropped Mikey in the floor and started... hugging... him? "Oh my. I'm so so so sorry my dear pet. Sometimes I forget what I am doing. Please forgive me my pet." Mikey was still breathing hard for air to get to him, but he was giving me a confused look and I returned him the same expression. "Oh my dear Jason."

"Jason?!?" Mikey and I said in unison.

"Yes. Jason. I have named you Jason." The man spoke quietly.

I was gonna say something until Mikey spoke up. "Jason! You've got to be kidding me! I already have a name and it's way better than, Jason. I don't need to be renamed, so you better leave my name alone! I am nobodies pet. Do you hear me?!" Mikey managed to say, still having trouble breathing. His face turned as the burning sensation came back to him.

The man and I were shocked by Mikey's sudden out burst. Then the man got furious. "You have been naughty my pet. You will be punished." He walked towards me and looked me in the eyes. I gave him a glare that made him chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh nothing. Take care of your brother now..." He walked towards the door. "Kevin." He walked out. Did he just named me Kevin. Whatever that's not important right now.

"Mikey, what was with the sudden outburst? Usually that's my thing."

"Well I just had to learn from the best.. He-he. Good times, good times."

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile. I was going to say something until the man came back in, walked towards Mikey and said, "this is for being naughty you animal." He knelt down beside him and was doing something I couldn't see. But all I could see was my younger brother struggling a lot and he kept on saying 'no'.

"What are you doing to my brother?!" I screamed furiously.

Mikey's 'no's' turned into muffled noises. The man stood up and got out a needle from his pocket and stuck it in Mikey's arm. I didn't know what to do but to scream at the man. "What was in that needle?!" I asked worriedly, but angrily.

"It was the antidote for the poison I gave him earlier today. I can honestly tell you that I would have forgotten if he had not screamed at me earlier." He finally got out of the way, and I saw Mikey's face. My eyes went wide. Mikey had a muzzle on face and he looked super tired. I saw him also tying Mikey's hands behind his back. "Now," he started, "we are going to play a little game when he wakes up, I like to call truth or dare. Here are the rules, if you do not obligate you will be punished. And if you are rude or impolite you will also be punished. I'm I clear Kevin and Jason?" I heard Mikey whimper through the muzzle and I just turned to face the floor. He then left the room and left me and Mikey alone in the room.

As soon as he left I turned my face towards Mikey and I can barley make it face through the dark room. All I can see was his eyes starting to close. "Get some rest Mikey, I think that the shot had some kind of sleeping aid. And don't worry, I'll make sure we get out of here and to get that stupid muzzle off your face." He said something that sounded like an 'OK'.

'I guess its time to make an escape plan. I just hope that Leo and Donnie have figured out that something is wrong and that we haven't shown up yet. Well in the meantime, it's time to get these stupid collars off.'

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