The Search

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"This is ridiculous! Where could they be?" The purple-banded turtle said. "We've looked for them in their hiding places. I had a feeling that this plan wasn't going to work." He said starting to panic.

"Donnie, I already told you this isn't your fa- wait. Did you say plan? What are you talking about Donnie?" Leo asked curiously, waiting for Donnie's response.

Donnie coward away sheepishly from Leo. "Um, we, uhh, how should I put this." He met Leo's gaze. "We where gonna, umm, pull a massive prank on you." He said nervously as he met his brother's gaze once again. "Hey can we please not focus on this right now. We have bigger problems to deal with right now. As in the fact that our brothers are missing."

Leonardo lowered his gaze to the roof. "Your right Donnie. But this conversation isn't over. Do you think that you can track them with their T-phones?"

"Oh yeah. I honestly forgot about that." He was pulling out his T-phone and started to hack into their phones. "Hey Leo," he started, "do you think that they're in trouble, like as in really big trouble?" He emphasized the word big.

Leo looked at the sky. "I honestly don't know Donnie. I just don't know." He said sadly.

Donnie looked at him sadly, then to his T-phone. An orange dot started blinking on his screen. "Hey Leo, I got Mikey's signal." He looked at the location. "Hey that's weird."

"What's up Donnie?"

"It's Mikey's location. He is in a different spot than from where we all agreed he'd be at. That's so strange."

"What do you mean? Where is he? Donnie explain to me what is going on, as your leading the way." Leo said with his leaders voice.

Donnie nodded and started to talk. "OK, so Mikey was supposed to be hiding around the epicenter on fourth. Just where we were at. But he seems to be hiding around the TCRI building, where Raph is supposed to be at." He said as he jumped to the next building. "I wonder if something led him there."

"I'm not sure Donnie but whatever happened, we're going to get to the bottom of this."

Ten minutes later

"Alright according to the signal, Mikey should be down in this alleyway." Donnie jumped into the alley. "OK he should be right here." He looked down and spotted Mikey's T-phone. He bent down to pick it up, it was cracked.

"What is it Donnie?" Leo said as he saw Donnie bend down when he spotted something.

"It's Mikey's T-phone, it's cracked and broken." He picked it up, and something in the moonlight glared and caught his eye. "Hey Leo, what's that glaring behind you?"

Leo turned around and walked towards the object. He reached for it and saw what it was. "Oh, no."

"What is it Leo?" He looked over his shoulder. His eyes went wide.

"It's Raph's sai." He said sadly.

"How did this happen?" Donnie asked. "Who could have done this?"

"I don't know Donnie, but look over there." He pointed towards the end of the alley.

"What is it? I don't see anyth- ouch."

"What happened Donnie?" Leo asked as he got closer.

"I think I stepped on some sort of needle." He bent down to examine his foot. "A dart? What would a-woah." Donnie said as his started to sway.

"Donnie are you OK?" Leo asked now getting worried.

"I think the dart was filled with barbiturates." He answered. His eyelids were getting heavy, and his legs were getting weak, as the dart was working it's way through his vains.

"English please Donnie." Leo said very confusedly.

"I-its a k-knock out d-dart." He said as he collapsed to the floor.

"Donnie!" Leo ran to aid his fallen brother. "Donnie? Donnie! Are you OK? Come on Donnie, wake up." He stood and grunted. He gathered everything they found and placed them in his belt. He went towards Donnie once again and lifted him up bridal style. "Alright Donnie let's get you home. It's also time to explain to Splinter of what has happened tonight." He said basically talking to himself. He carried him back to the lair, not knowing that Dr. Falco was examining him from a distance.

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