Lost Then Found

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"Did you find the location of your spy roach Donnie?" Leo asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes. And it's actually not so far from here. Just a few miles away from here." Donnie said excitedly.

"Alright. Are you ready Donnie?"

"Oh yeah. I'm ready."

"Good. Now let's go."


"Come here Jason!" The man yelled at him. He grabbed him from the chain and started to drag him to a different room.

Mikey was resisting, hard. "Let me go!" He said struggling.

"Let my brother go you son of a bitch!" Raph screamed at the top of his lungs.

"No!" Dr. Falco screamed loudly. "I already know that your brothers are on their way. And I just want them to arrive to something they would never expect to see their youngest in a state of experimentation."

The turtles heart skipped a beat and their eyes went wide. Mikey had stopped struggling and the man took the advantage to take Mikey out the door.

Mikey let out a hard wheeze as the door finally shut hard.

"No! Give me my brother back!" Raph screamed and punched the wall repeatedly until he got tired and fell to the floor with tears in his eyes.

Ten minutes later

Raph was starring at the floor when he heard a loud scream. Mikey. He thought to himself. "Mikey!"

He had felt so useless. He couldn't escape. He covered his ears to try to block out the screaming. He was crying and couldn't do anything about it.


Dr. Falco walked back into the room where the red-banded turtle was at. "Now I'll give you a choice..." He started.

"No." Raphael said slowly and coldly.

"Excuse me." He starred at him. "What did you just say?"

Raphael just glared at him and didn't say a word.

"Silent treatment." He scientist smiled. "Very well." He said as he pulled out his small remote and pushed the button.

Raph gasped and grunted as the six needles went forcefully through his neck. The poison was making its way through his body and was taking affect in an instant. He was starting to see double then triple. He shut his eyes to see if that would help in anyway.

Raph opened his eyes. He was looking around so confusingly then to the man. As soon as he spotted Falco, he started to burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Excellent. It worked." He said as he walked toward Raphael.

Raphael eyed him and was speaking like a drunken man. "W-w-what are you... you- doin'?"

"Oh I'm just gonna take you on a little trip to go see your brother. Would you like that?" He asked gently.

"Yeah! Which brother!" He asked standing up but falling back down due to dizziness. "Is it Leo? Or umm... Donnie? Or that one with orange. Mikey!" He screamed in excitement as he stood up once again.

"So those are their names." He said to himself. "Would you like to see your brother Mikey?"

"You bet!"

"Excellent. Now follow me." He gestured to the door.

As they were walking down the hallway, Raph was pointing and giggling at the pictures and doors. Until they stopped at one door that was made of metal.

"What's in there?" Raphael asked curiously, stepping forward.

"Your brother is in there." He stated quietly.


"You'll soon find out. My dear Kevin." He said as he opened the door.

Raphael didn't realize what he was seeing. But he was seeing Mikey. Strapped to a metal table, struggling to keep his eyes open. Deep cuts down his arms and legs. There was also a deep hole above his shell, that was still bleeding out.

"Woah Mikey! How are you?" He said running towards his brother.

"R-raph?" Mikey questioned. He looked up to see a smiling Raph running towards him.

"Hey! Little brother!" He exclaimed as he sat down in the chair. His face went from excited to worried. "What happened?"

"I g-got d-dissected. Why aren't you h-helping me Raph? Get me out of here?" He asked looking around then to his collar. The needles were used up. His eyes were full of sadness as he made eye contact to Raph.

"Well I'll leave you two, to chat for a while. We may have some unexpected visitors." He left and locked the door behind him.

Mikey's gash was bleeding heavily and his vision was starting to go black. "Hey Raph. Do me a favor?"

He looked up with happy eyes. "Yeah of course!"

"G-get us out of h-here." He said as he lost consciousness.

Raph looked at him sadly as his head dropped. "Mikey?" No response. "Mikey, what's wrong?" Still no response. He decided to shake him slowly. "Mikey?" He said as tears stung his eyes.

He didn't know what to do but just watch. He held his hand and did nothing for he had no idea what was going on.


Leo and Donnie were now on the roof of the building. Both of them were on full stealth mode.

They snuck in from a rooftop window and were met up with a big, empty hallway.

"What now Leo?" Donnie questioned from behind him.

"We check the rooms and look for Raph and Mikey. And remember, anything could be a sign." He whispered.

Donnie nodded in agreement. As they met up with the first door they saw Dr. Falco walking to them. "Hello turtles. What brings you here?" He stopped to make eye contact with them. "Looking for your brothers, I'm guessing?" He said with a cruel smile.

"Where are they?" Leonardo questioned, taking out his twin katanas.

"Do not fear. They are alright. Well, at least the red one is. Let's just say one of your brothers had been dissected tonight, and it doesn't look to good. For all we know he could die of blood loss."

"You monster! What do you want from us?" Donnie yelled.

"A game." He said with a straight face.

"Well we are not interested. So tell us where are brothers are at." Leo said impatiently.

"Oh I see." Dr. Falco said with sad eyes. "Did I also forget to mention that your brother Raphael had received those needles in his collar. It's slowly killing him as he is with his brother. Happily spirited he is indeed." He finished walking away.

The two turtles looked at each other, filled with fear. They didn't know what to do.

"I'll leave you to look for your brothers. Just try to find them before one parishes after the other." He finished with a smile. Disappearing into the darkness of the hallway.

"Leo what are we going to do? Mikey can bleed out and Raph is slowly dying from the poison from the needles." The purple-banded turtle exclaimed.

"I don't know. We should split up, we'll contact each other if there are any signs of them. And be careful for anything. Try to avoid Dr. Falco."

"Got it." Donnie said with confidence in his voice and took off the opposite direction from Leo.

It wasn't very long until Leonardo heard a high pitched scream down the hallway that seemed to be endless.

He took out his T-phone and dialed Donnie. "Donnie get here fast. I think I found them." He ended the call and waited.

He was getting his brothers out of here tonight.

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