To Death and Back

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Mikey was struggling to get out of the man's grasp. The man continued to hold the young weak turtle, ignoring the red-banded turtle's yelling protests.

"Mikey!! Get off my brother!! You BASTARD!!"

The man continued to ignore the tempered turtle and kept forcing Mikey into the water.

Raphael was unwillingly watching Mikey trying to struggle out of the man's grasp. He noticed that Mikey wasn't moving as much as in the beginning of the truth. He can't breath. He's drowning. "Hey! You supid ass!! He can't breath! Let him go!!" Raphael screamed as he kept pulling against the collar. Shutting his eyes and pulling the chain as hard as he can from the wall. The sound of struggling went down to a minimum. He noticed this and dared to turn around. What he was shocked him. He saw Mikey's body going limb while his head was still in the water. No. He thought. He was staring at the man taking out his little brother's head from the water. "You. You son of a bitch!!! I'll kill you!!" Raph was now pulling harder than ever. All he was seeing was red.

The man finally noticed the turtle and was going to tranquilize him until the chain snapped.

"You'll pay for this buddy." He said in a low cold voice. He then charged at the man, blinded by his own rage. He kicked the man in the stomach, sending him to the other side of the dimmed room. He was about to charge at him again until he noticed something in front of him. Mikey.

Raphael's rage was calming down. He was starting to see normal again. "Mikey," he breathed out.

Mikey was on the cold floor, limb. Raphael ran up to aid him. He untied the rope from Mikey's wrists and saw them fall lifeless. He sighed angrily and checked for a pulse. Nothing. "No. No Mikey not now, please." He begged silently as he was starting to give him CPR. "Mikey come on. Enough playing. Open your eyes." He ordered as tears formed in his eyes. He kept giving him CPR and still nothing. He checked for a pulse... nothing. He placed his head on Mikey's chest and starting crying. That son of a bitch is going to pay! He thought. He saw the man getting up slowly. Raphael ran up to him, grabbed him by the neck and said, "you killed my brother!"

"I did no such thing." The man responded softly.

"Then why isn't he MOVING!" He said tears stinging his eyes.

"Now, why would I kill my own pet Kevin?" He saw the man take out a small remote, and he pushed it. The sound of electrical shocks were being heard, along with an agonizing scream. Raph was shocked to hear that scream, and dropped the man to turn around. He saw his little brother being electrocuted back to life.

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