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Splinter was waiting for his sons to arrive. It has been three and a half hours past their curfew, and this worried their rat master. He was just about to go look for his sons, until he heard the sound of grunting and feet dragging. He turned to face the subway entrance, and saw Leonardo carrying a limb Donatello. "Leonardo! What happened to Donatello? And where is Raphael and Michaelangelo?"

Leo looked up to his Master. "Oh. Um, hello sensei. It's kind of a long story." He said as Master Splinter lifted Donnie from his arms.

"Leonardo," he started, "as you can see, it is already four in the morning, and the sun will be out soon. You have plenty of time. Now, explain." He said a bit harshly. Placing Donatello on the couch.

"Hai sensei." He took a deep breath. "Alright so we were out on our evening patrol and there was nothing going on. So I decided that we do a little training session, as you had wished me to do." He stopped to look at him, checking his unconscious brother. He continued. "Raphael had suggested Turtle Hunt. So I agreed to it since that is probably the only way to get them to train. I found Donnie by April's place. After an hour he still didn't want to give up their hiding places, so we ended up looking for them a bit longer. When it got to the point where it was starting to get ridiculous, we tracked their T-phones. We only found Mikey's signal." He looked up again to see Splinter's worried face. "We only found his T-phone sensei. We also found one of Raph's sai's." He finished as he pulled out the phone and the weapon from his pockets.

Splinter closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "I see. What happened to Donatello?" He said slowly but sadly.

"Oh right, well when we found the stuff in the alley way, Donnie accidentally stepped on a dart of some sort." He said as he pulled a dart out carefully from his belt. Splinter received it as he continued. "Before he lost conscious, he said it was some sort of knock out dart."

"Leonardo, it is very late. I suggest that you get rest. I will be here for Donatello when he awakes." Splinter said, obviously trying to avoid the fact that his sons were missing.

"Hai sensei." He said sadly, walking in the direction of his room. "Don't worry guys, who ever did this to you will pay." He whispered to himself. He sat on top of his bed and went into a meditative trance to try and find one of his brother's spirits.

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