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I was talking with Natsuki and she giggled, pointing at Tsuki "He's totally looking at you, ask him out." I felt all warm inside and my face burned up. "Why do you mean 'ask him out'? We're barely 14, I can't date anyone now." She smiled and leaned on the desk "So you're not denying it." I covered my face and glanced at back at tsuki.

He was writing at his desk and I looked back "I can't." Was all I said and she smiled mischievously. "What if I dared you? Would you ask him out?" I shook my head "Aww are you scared? Can't even ask someone out? He probably won't even respond." I threw my hands on the desk "Fine all do it, but only because you're making fun of me." I picked up my things and walked over to Tsuki confidently.

As soon as I got there ever ounce of confidence left my body. I stood there nervous and he looked up at me slowly. "Hey yams." He mumbled and I caught a breath in my throat. I coughed it out and he stared at me " okay?" He asked slowly and I nodded. I looked back at Natsuki and she ushered me on. I pressed my lips together. "Um would you want to go out with me Tsuki?" I said so quickly I could barely understand.

He was quiet and he paused. "Huh?" He mumbled and I pressed my knuckle into my eye as I rubbed it. "It's just this stupid dare, I have to ask you out." He nodded and set his pencil down. "Oh well, okay, I'll go out with you." I froze "What?" He smiled softly. "I'll go out with you, isn't that why you came to ask me? You wanted an answer. So...I gave you one."

I flushed red and stared at him. "What do you mean you go out with me? Like dating? Or just let's go on a date see what happens?" He shrugged "Whatever you want it to be." I tried to swallow but my throat felt like it was filled with cotton. "You're my....boyfriend?" I asked and he looked up.

"Why are being so weird today? Isn't that what going out means? We're dating right, if we're dating then your my boyfriend and I'm yours. What are you not understanding?" I sat down next to him and watched him carefully.

"Ya know it was just a dare Tsuki, i wasn't actually asking you out." He looked over and he had the slightest smile on his face, his cheeks lightly pink. "Yeah, but I was." I turned redder than I already was and watched him. "Tadashi Yamaguchi is my boyfriend."

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