Moving on up

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I walked into school, our first day as 3rd years. I walked to the gym with Tsuki and coach called me into the office. "Here's our new uniform and everyone's contact info, you need to decide which of these 1st years are the best fit for our team this year." I scanned over the list.

"Oh okay, but why do I get to decide this?" Coach chuckled and set his hands on the desk. "Well, because you're captain." My whole body froze and I stared at him. "Really?" I mumbled and he patted my shoulder. "You deserve it, you've improved a lot since you were a first year." I smiled and picked the stuff of the desk. "Thank you. You won't regret it."

He walked me out and smiled softly. I skipped a bit and then ran towards Tsuki. I dropped everything on the ground and hugged him tightly. "I did it. I'm the captain!" I whispered in his ear and he jumped back. "You are?" I nodded and smiled from ear to ear. He picked me up and twirled me around.

"I'm so proud of you." He put his hand in my hair and I relaxed against him. "Thank you." I mumbled into his shoulder. He set me down and I cleared my throat, fixing my hair. "I look forward to the season." I said in a joking, professional manner. He held back a smile and handed me the papers I dropped. "Me too."

I walked over to everyone and looked a breath. Hinata leaned against me. "Good job Tadashi, I'm proud of Ya." He elbowed me softly and I smiled, looking down at him. "Thank you." I gave him a side hug and rubbed his back lightly as I read through everything.

"Who do you like?" I asked him in a whisper as showed him the paper. He glanced at it. "Shimizu, Aiko shimizu is Kiyokos little brother, it's be nice to keep that name." I nodded and took my hand off his back. "How's Kageyama?" I whispered and he blushed lightly. "Good." He said all shy and I smiled. I sat up straight and glanced at all the first years sitting on the side lines.

"Aiko, come here." He stood up all unsure and I smiled warmly. "Hi, I'm Tadashi, I'm remember your sister, Kiyoko. Did you tryout for the team because of her?" He nodded and glanced at the paper again, trying to contain my excitement. "I trust you, I think you'd be a good fit, go stand next to Kageyama over there."

I pointed and then looked at the rest of them before I leaned over to Tsuki. "Interesting bunch this year, but not the worst." Tsuki glared at the one boy and I caught his gaze. "I don't like that one, he keeps staring at you." He whispered and looked towards me. "Oh come on, it's just because I'm so hot." I smiled and scratched tsukis back lightly. "Trust me Tsuki, I'm not going to leave you over some swanky first year that is shorter than me."

He held back a laugh and I moved my hand up, rubbing under his neck. "Pick one." I said and he pointed to the name, Kaoru Takahashi. I nodded and looked up at the boy with glasses. "Kaoru, go stand next to Aiko." I looked up at the four kids and notice one of the boys from last year. "You, didn't you try out last year?" He nodded and crossed his arms.

"It's good to see you again....Kai." I pointed to Kageyama. "Alright you made it and then..." I paused and thought it through. "Saburo and Izumi." I smiled at the lady boy. "Sorry, we're all full." He sighed and bowed before quickly leaving the gym. We all gathered around and I looked at them all, a bit nervous. "I look forward to this year, I know you'll all do amazing, and maybe I'll get to be on the court this year."

I laughed and Hinata cracked up, but everyone else was pretty quiet. "Huh, tough crowd- well, have a good first day, I'll see you all tomorrow for practice." They all scattered and I looked at the one on my jersey. "Wow, this is unreal." I whispered and Tsuki ruffled my hair. "Come on captain, we have to get to class." I sat up and grabbed my bag. "Captain...that's pretty hot, call me that more often." I teased and he smiled.

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