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I said on the thin mat beside Tsuki and glanced over at him. He let out a slow breath and I turned onto my side "Are you sleeping?" I whispered and he shook his head slowly. His hand tapped my palm lightly. I put my hand in his and we slowly got closer to each other.

He lifted the blanket and I crawled under, putting my hand on his arm. He held me close, wrapping his arm around me. I smiled and looked up, kissing his chin. "G'night Tsuki." I whispered and he smiled. "Night yams."

I woke up the next morning, tsukis arm still tight around my body. I rolled onto my back and his arms loosened, letting me free. I turned and looked over at Hinata sprawled out. I slowly sat up and Tsuki grabbed my hand weakly. "Mmm, don't leave." He said in a scratchy voice and I picked his hand up, kissed it gently. "You'll be fine."

I tapped his cheek lightly and stood up, walking to the bathroom. Suga was standing over the sink and he glanced up. "Hey." He mumbled and nodded slightly before walking into one of the stalls. I walked out and suga was sitting on the counter, scrolling through his phone. I was washing my hands when he looked up. "You and Tsuki were cute last night." I glanced away and smiled to myself. "How do you do it?" I looked back "Huh?" "How do you get him to hold you like that?" He said, seeming genuinely curious.

I shrugged and dried my hands off "I don't know, we've been dating for almost two years now, it just kind of happens." He sighed and watched me tentatively. "How do I make Daichi do that?" I looked up and smiled slightly "What?" Suga rubbed his neck. "Well I don't know...nevermind...I'll figure it out." I nodded awkwardly "Okay, bye suga." I mumbled and slowly walked back to the room.

I glanced at Tsuki as I walked in and he picked his head off the pillow, sitting up slowly. I smiled to him and laid down, somewhat on his lap. My leg crossed his body and I placed a hand on his cheek, kissed him gently. He smiled and held my lower back, pulling me closer. Our free hands were comfortably holding the others.

A pillow hit the back of my head and I reluctantly pulled away from him. "God would you two stop? All you do is kiss, it's disgusting." Hinata scolded and turned away. I giggled and looked back at Tsuki. "He's just jealous he can't kiss Kageyama." I whispered and Tsuki kissed my nose. I scrunched up my face and held his cheek back. "Tsuki, all you do is kiss me, calm down." I pinched his cheek with my knuckles and he looked back at me.

His eyes softened and I let my hand fall gently against this skin. "Sorry Tsuki." I whispered. He watched me closely and then put his head on my shoulder, tucking his face into my neck. He held onto me tight and I quietly stared at the ceiling. I hugged him back and set my hand in his hair, scratching his head lightly. "I'm sorry." I whispered and he shook his head slightly.

"Sorry Tsuki." I mumbled and glanced down at the top of his head. "I didn't mean it like that." Tsuki picked his head up and pinched my nose "Idiot." He mumbled and stood up with a slight smile. I sat up and watched him, an everlasting smile on my face.

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