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I sat in the crowded chairs, with Tsuki a few rows in front of me. I held my diploma in my hand and sighed. All this trouble and the only thing I get out of this is loosing my friends and a stupid piece of paper.

They dismissed us and I met up with Tsuki. He kissed the top of my head and hugged me. "So, should we get married now?" He joked and I laughed softly. "Shouldn't we move in together before we get married?" Tsuki breathed out softly and put a hand on my back, leading me to the parking lot. Hinata and Kageyama were waiting by the car and I ran over to him. "God, shoyo, I'm gonna miss your stupid orange hair."

I hugged him tightly and he looked up at me. "Me and Kageyama will come see you guys all the time. You're not getting rid of us that easily." He laughed and I smiled brightly. I let go of Hinata and gave Kageyama a hesitant hug. He hugged me back and I glanced over his shoulder at Tsuki. He smiled at me and I rubbed Kageyamas back.

I backed up and Kageyama looked a little embarrassed. "I hugged him, Tsuki I got him to hug me!" I ran into Tsuki and he put his arms around me, cradling me. Hinata looked at us and smiled. "Uh I have another surprise for you guys." We all glanced at each other and Hinata started to walk away. "Come on!" He smiled and we all hurried to catch up to him.

He unlocked the gym and everyone from the old team was there. I ran to suga and attacked him with a hug. He squeezed me tight and I started crying. "I missed you so much." I said in his shoulder and he chuckled. "How've you been, captain?" Daichi patted my back and I broke down. "Oh my god." I managed and gave Daichi a huge hug. "So good." I sobbed and he reached over, grabbing sugas hand. I gasped and stared at them. "No way! You guys are together?"

Suga smiled and gave a soft nod. Tsuki walked up to me and patted my back. "Youre causing a scene." He whispered and I smacked him. "Shut up." I stepped on his foot and looked around. Ennoshita was talking with Kiyoko and I walked over to them. Wiping away my tears. Kiyoko gave me a warm hug and I looked at Tanaka.

He had a glimmering ring on his finger. Kiyoko made eye contact with me and shook her head. "Don't mention it, he'll go on a tangent." I saw an identical ring on her finger and my face lit up. Ennoshita put an arm around me and messed up my hair. "You've gotten pretty tall in a year." I smiled and talked with just about everyone.

Tsuki walked up to me while I was talking with Asahi and he grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and he had a pained eyes. "Uh I think we should go home before they lock us in." He tried to hide the sad look with a soft smile and I nodded. I said goodbye to everyone and followed Tsuki to the car. He sniffled and I looked over at him with tears falling down the sides of his face.

I freaked out and squeezed his hand. "Holy shit I've never seen cry before." I started laughing and he joined me. I wiped the tears off his face and he had a sad laugh. "I'm gonna miss all those idiot." He mumbled and wiped his eyes. I smiled at him and opened the car door for him.

We drove to my house and I took him up to my room. He grabbed me by my waist and threw my on the bed. I laughed softly and he crawled onto of me, hugging me tightly. "I need to talk to you about something." He whispered and laid down beside me. I watched him and had a soft smile, waiting for him say something. "I got an opportunity to be on a d2 team." He said and I stared at him.

"Oh," I mumbled and thought about it. "Is it far?" I asked, a little scared and he shook his head. "No it's in miyagi prefecture, but I'll only accept the offer if you're okay with it." I looked in his eyes and smiled softly.

"Only if you reserve a front row seat for me at your games." He smiled and squeezed my hands. "I will yama." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I huddled close to him and he rubbed my back.

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