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I sat at the dinner table and held tsukis hand under the table. I glanced over and saw that lipstick mark still on his neck. I smiled lightly and ate some more chicken. "Mommy! 'Dashi was hurting Tsuki earlier." My sister said and I glared at her. "Would you shut up?" I threw my napkin at her and my mom looked at me. "Do I need to limit your time alone together?" I shook my head and set my fork down, dropping tsukis hand along with it.

I set my hands on the table. "Mom, honestly we were just kissing, that's all." She watched both of us carefully and then looked at my dad. My sister started ugly crying and I set my elbows on the table, pressing my palm into my eyes. "Look at what he did to Tsuki." She said incoherently. She pointed to Tsuki hickey and my eyes shot open, throwing a hand over his neck. Tsuki winced and looked at me. "Sorry." I mouthed and looked at my mom.

"Yeah, we saw it, we're not blind Tadashi." I let my hands down and stood up, setting my hands on the table firmly. "I think I should bring Tsuki home." I looked up at my mom "thank you for the meal." I whispered and walked towards the door. Tsuki followed me and I stood outside with him for a second. "I'm so so sorry." I said after he shut the door and he scratched the base of his neck. "Its alright, I- mean. I didn't really expect it but it's fine."

I took a step and hugged him, pressing my face into his chest. I felt his chin settle in my hair and I lightly scratched his back. "I love you." He whispered and I sniffled, tearing streaming down my face. "Tadashi?" He grabbed my face and I cried, hard. He looked at me with a confused, worried face. "What wrong?" He repeated again and again and I tried to catch my breath.

"I love you too." I cried and he held my face, rubbing the tears off my face. "Yams, stop crying." He shook my head lightly and I laughed a bit, tears dripping off my chin. Tsuki cracked an amused breath and smiled softly. He hugged me, his arms wrapping tightly around my head.

Our hands, sometime, came together and I squeezed his palm. I calmed down and coughed lightly, my face covering in tears. Tsukis phone rang and he let go of me, moving his hand to the side of my face. I put some weight on his hand and he smiled softly.

I love his smile, I love his calloused hands, the way his lips feel and how he holds my hands. I love when he tells me to shut up or when he's purposely ignoring me.

I love him.

"Yams?" He whispered and I looked down at his illuminated pocket. I wiped my face and smiled. "You should pick that up." I pointed to his pocket and he kissed the top of my head. "If it's that important they'll call back."

I blushed lightly kept my hands over my face. "Good night Tsuki." I peeked a look at him, still hiding my blush ridden cheeks. He lingered and I pushed him towards the sidewalk. "Go before your mom gets mad."

He turned around and ruffled my hair. "Give me a kiss first." I rolled my eyes and stood on my toes, giving him a quick kiss. "Now, go." We both smiled and he walked down the sidewalk.

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