Real confession?

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The next week I sat in tsukis room, across from him on his bed. "It's like this right?" I put my palm against his, almost like a high-five, and hesitated to put my finger between his. "It feels right." Tsuki said and the door shook lightly with a knock.

I retracted my hand and his mom peeked through. "Hey Kei darling, I'm taking your brother to practice, be good." I waved softly and Kei nodded before turning to back to me. "Do you want her to give you a ride home now? She might not be back for a few hours." I shrugged and the door clicked closed. "I'll be fine, I only live two streets down." I put my hand up. "Okay try again."

He put his hand up against mine and our fingers slowly fell together. I stared at our hands and then up at him. "Oh uh, I kind of like that." I whispered and Tsuki smiled softly "Me too." I looked at him and my face flushed. I quickly took my hand away "This is kind of weird." I mumbled and rubbed my neck nervously.

Tsuki had a small smile on his face and I looked anywhere but his eyes "I really...I like you yams." He said quietly and I looked at him, unsure of what to say. Tsuki fiddled with his hands. "This whole relationship thing is kind of silly, it just made our friendship more awkward." Tsuki scrunched up his nose as he said that and I laughed softly.

"Right, it's not different than if we just stayed friends, I've only held your hand twice and for like two seconds." We both laughed a little and I looked at him with squinted eyes. I wiped my face and then leaned forward, placing my head on his chest. "But-'s okay...because I still like you and that's better than just being friends." I wrapped my arms around his waist loosely and he hugged me back.

My face warmed, even my ears felt warm. I looked up and pulled away from him. I cleared my throat and grabbed my jacket off the edge of the bed. "I should get home before my mom worries." Tsuki nodded and I walked out to the door with him. "I'll walk you home." Tsuki said and I smiled to myself. "Thanks Tsuki."

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