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I sat in English and leaned on my desk, my hand hanging off the edge. I turned and let my head rest on my upper arm, looking towards Tsuki. His chair was diagonal to mine so I could easily see him during class. He glanced at me and I smiled softly.

He opened his mouth for a second before sealing his lips and writing in his notebook. I rolled my eyes and kept watching, a light blush crawling over my cheeks. "Yamaguchi....yamaguchi." The teacher repeated and I looked up. "Hm?" I hummed and skimmed over the board quickly. "What could possibly be more interesting than my lesson?"

It took everything in my body not to say 'Sir, pretty much anything.' But I shoved it down and rubbed my neck awkwardly. "Now stop staring at tsukishima, you're probably scaring him." He mumbled and the class laughed. I glanced at Tsuki over my shoulder and stifled a small laugh.

I walked up to Tsuki after class and set my hands on his desk. "Are you busy tonight?" He nodded and put his stuff in his bag. "it's my moms birthday, I can't hang out tonight." I sighed and grabbed his hand as we walked out. "Ya know, you'd probably have more fun if you went on a date with me." I nudged him slightly and he hid a smile.

"I'm sorry yams, my brother is stuck at college and can't come home. I can't do that to her." I smiled softly and looked at him. "I know, I'm just messing with you." I walked closer to him and made our way to the gym. He checked his phone outside and had a disgruntled look. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded and let go of his hand. "Oh okay. Bye Tsuki." I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek quickly. He kissed my cheek back and his hand lingered on my back for a second before he started walking the other way.

"That's kind of gay." I turned to see suga leaning in the gym doorway and I smacked his side. "Please I've seen you with Daichi." I mumbled as I walked past him and he busted out laughing.

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