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I sat around the living room with everyone from the team and Tanaka tapped my arm. "Here try this." He handed me a glass with a strong smell flowing out of it. "Are you trying to poison me?" He chuckled and took a sip real quick. "See, it's fine, but I will say, it's going to make your little boyfriend over there fawn over you."

I stared in the cup and then looked over at Tsuki. "It's just a little beer to lighten up the mood. You've had some before, right?" I shook my head and tried to pry my eyes off of Tsuki. I took a tiny sip and it made my tongue tingle. I swallowed and then set it down. "It's okay." I said and walked over to Tsuki. I sat down beside him and smiled.

He put his arm around me and I played with my hands. "Tsuki, what are you drinking?" He handed me the cup. "It's just shitty beer, it doesn't even get you drunk unless you drink tons of it." I eyed it and took a bigger sip than last time. I held it in my lap, taking occasional sips.

An hour later

I sat on the ground playing monopoly with Hinata and Noya. My legs kicked in the air and Tsuki leaned down, grabbing my drink. I slapped his arm and took it back. "I think you've had enough." He said quietly and I looked at him. "I'm fully aware of when I've had too much. Let me be." I finished the rest of the beer and threw the cup at Tsuki.

"Can I have another one?" He shook his head and I sat up, placing my hand on his cheek. "Please." I whispered and left our lips a few centimeters apart. His breath caught and he nodded slightly. I smiled and patted his face. "Thanks babe." I continued to play and my eye lids felt heavy.

A little while later

Tsukishimas pov:

I sat behind yams and saw his head bobbing. I rubbed his back softly, it always got him to go to sleep faster. His head hit the ground and he had dark circles under his eyes. I glanced at Hinata and picked yams up. He cuddled up to me and wrapped his arms a little too tight around my neck. I grabbed our stuff and made the way back home. I hesitated to walk up to yams house but I knocked on the door anyways.

I waited patiently and his mom finally opened the door. "Where have you two been?" I rubbed my eyes, exhausted from carrying him. "We went to a friends house and he fell asleep, I'm sorry." He watched us for a second. "Alright, I'm hesitant going to act like I don't smell the beer on you and let you put him to bed." I paused for a second and then thanked her over and over.

"Geez, that's enough, just let my baby get comfortable." He pushed me slightly towards the stairs and I held his head as I walked up. I opened the door and set him carefully in bed. "Tsuki, stay with me." He mumbled, half asleep. "I can't, I'm sorry." I kissed his forehead and pushed the hair off his forehead. A sour look grew on his face and he got real pale. "Tsuki, I don't feel good." He whined and I sighed lightly as I tried to take his belt off.

He kicked his legs around and started crying. "It hurts." He clenched his stomach and I wiped the sweat off his face. "Do you think you could take your shirt off? It'll make you feel better." He hiccuped and wiped his eyes. "Youre just trying to get me naked, I'm not an idiot. I don't want to have sex right now." He crossed his arms and I glared at him, ready to just leave.

"Yams, do you want to go take a cold shower?" He shook his head and I took a deep breath. I picked him up and he swung his arms around. "Stop, I don't want to, I know you're tricks!" He yelled and I put my hand over his mouth. "If you don't shut up, you're mom will never let me come over again."

He stared in my eyes and gave in. "Fine, but I'll never forget what you did to me last time you got me in the shower." He mumbled and I set him on the ground, helping him take his shirt off. He smirked and leaned closer to me. "You think I'm pretty, don't you?" He touched his stomach and a little flap of skin formed between his fingers.

He had tears in his eyes and I grabbed his face, making him look at me. "Don't say stupid shit like that, are you kidding me?" He started to cry and I wiped his eyes. "Yams, you're the most beautiful in the world, are you really getting upset over a little bit of extra skin? It's there for a good reason, don't try to change yourself." He sniffled and put his face on my shoulder.

I rubbed the back of his head and he started crying again, even harder. "What's wrong now?" I said, slightly annoyed. "What if, if...if." He struggled to catch his bed and I was slightly amused by how worked up he was. "What if sunflowers disappeared?"

He sobbed and I stared at him. "What the hell are you talking about?" He cried some more and coughed a bit. "What if we never saw sunflowers, ever again, that'd be so sad." He had tears streaming down his face. "I'm never letting you drink again."

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