Are we ready?

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I sat in bed beside Tsuki and read my book quietly. Tsuki played on his phone and I looked over at him, scratching the corner of my mouth. "I'll sleep on the floor tonight. My mom just washed the futon." Tsuki looked at me. "What?" I closed my book. "Well I thought you should have the bed, you're the guest."

He pushed his hair back slightly. "Well I just thought that we'd sleep..." he coughed into a fist and turned pink. "Together." He said in a breath and I bit my lips together, looking at the bed. "But..." I stopped myself and kept my legs from touching his. "I think I'll just sleep on the floor." I mumbled and he nodded softly. I read another chapter on my book and slowly leaned my head onto his shoulder.

He tensed up beneath me and I closed my book. I slowly placed my arm over his chest and snuggled up to him. I closed my eyes and trying to calm down a bit. This felt really nice. I felt loved. He placed a shaky hand on my upper back and I slowly opened my eyes, looking out the window. "Do you have any exams this week?" Tsuki nodded and I played with the fabric of his shirt. "I can't believe we're almost in highschool." Tsuki pulled me closer and I froze up a little.

He turned and put both his arms around me, holding me tight. My fist clenched up against his shirt and I burned up in nervousness and embarrassment. He rubbed my upper back and I set my head fully on the pillow. "I should get you some water, are you thirsty?" I asked, standing up quickly. His arm curled close to his body. He had a faded smile and a light blush sprawled across his face.

He watched me carefully. "Are you not comfortable hugging me?" He mumbled and I stumbled over my words. "No-well yeah, no. I mean." I hit my forehead and turned around, pressing my palms in my eyes. I took a breath. "I'm going to get the futon." I stated and slowly walked out.

I grabbed the thick comforter and reluctantly placed my hand on the door handle. My mom walked by and paused a few feet away. "Are you alright?" I looked at her "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine." I pushed the door open and Tsuki looked up from his phone. "Yams come here." I nodded and sat the futon on the floor. I stood infront of him, acting as though I was in trouble.

He sat up and reached for my hands. He held them softly and rubbed the back of my hands. He looked up at me and smiled "What are you nervous about?" I bit the inside of mouth and glanced away from him. "I'm not nervous." He picked my hands up and set his face on them lightly. I blushed and took my hands away. "Tsuki you're being weird." I rubbed my neck and laughed softly.

He grabbed my waist and hugged me. "I just want to touch you, stop avoiding me." I stood there awkwardly and he rubbed my back. "Wow you're my boyfriend. I can't believe that. I have a boyfriend." Tsuki said into my stomach and I chewed on my lip. "Tsuki stop it." I pushed on his head and he smiled, looking up at me. "Hey yams." He said and I made a small sound in my throat. "Youre blushing. A lot." I covered my face and set my forehead on the top of his head "I hate you." He chuckled and the door clicked open behind me.

I turned and set my hands on the base of his neck. My mom smiled at us and tsukis hands fell off of me. "You guys are so cute." She took a breath "Are you hungry, I cut up some fruit." I shook my head and twirled his hair in my hand. She smiled again before closing the door. Tsuki grabbed my and flung me on the bed. He tickled my sides and I curled up in a ball, laughing softly. "Tsuki stop." I cried out and he looked up at me.

My eyes filled with water and the laughter soon turned into a silent laugh. My stomach hurt and I rolled away from him. He hugged me and held me against his chest. "Youre really cute yams." He whispered and I wiped my eyes, letting out a deep breath.

I clung onto him and glanced out at the setting sun. "I'll sleep with you." I whispered back and he pulled my face back "Really?" I looked away. "Sure." I mumbled and he smiled brightly. "God I could kiss you right now." I covered my mouth and shook my head. "Not yet Tsuki." He smiled and a soft laugh escaped his mouth.

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