2nd years

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I finished getting dressed and met Tsuki outside. "Morning." He said and I smiled. "G'morning Tsuki." I grabbed his hand subconsciously and we started towards school.

I walked in the gym infront of Tsuki and pulled him inside. I saw a bunch of scrawny kids sitting on the bench and Noya and tanak were standing all high and mighty infront of them. "Now listen, this team is no joke, we are very serious and 1000% we will make it to nationals again."

I shook my head and looked at Tsuki. "He's gonna scare them all off." The door slammed and Hinata walked in, staring at his phone and eating some of his breakfast. "Holy shit, it's you...you're like my role model." Hinata looked up with jam around his mouth and Noya patted the boys back. "Listen, I'm going to need you to do three laps of dives." "What?" He whispered. "Now!" Noya yelled and I held back a snicker.

I walked up to the boy and grabbed his hands "Hi I'm Tadashi, Yamaguchi, I'm a second year, and that scary guy over there is Tsukishima Kei." I signaled for him to lower. "Listen noyas not really scary, he's just proud and is sad that our manager left, so just try to be nice." I patted him on the back. "It's nice to meet you." I smiled and looked at the probably eight other boys sitting there. "I wish you all the best." Tsuki grabbed my hand as we walked to the locker room.

"Fags!" Someone yelled and I turned around. A smirking boy was chuckling to himself and Noya grabbed his collar. "What the hell did you just say? Huh? Want to repeat that?" Tanaka and Noya pushed him out of the gym. "No because what the fuck did you just say to them?  I need answers you insecure, little bitch." Noya and Tanaka went off of him and slammed the door in his face. I covered my mouth and looked to Tsuki. "Wow." I mumbled and opened the door to the hallway.

We walked out a few minutes later and Hinata stood in the corner next to Kageyama. I stood next to Ennoshita. "Morning." I smiled and he nodded politely. "Uh eiji and Daisuke. You're all definitely on the team."

Ennoshita clicked his tongue quietly and I looked at the last three boys sitting there. "Aiko, come up here." He looked at a clipboard and then at the other two. "Alright sorry, guys, all the spaces are filled. Try out next year though, definitely good options."

I felt a hand go across my stomach and Tsuki hugged me lightly. I looked up at him and he kissed my forehead. I leaned back and kissed him softly. Ennoshita tapped the clipboard. "Oh god, you two need to chill out. Im done seeing you guys make out." I laughed and broke off the short lived kiss. I picked my back off the floor and waved to Tsuki as I walked to my first class as a 2nd year.

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