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I laid on my bed, reading a book when my phone rang. I picked it up and held it with my shoulder. "Hey Tsu-" "Hey baby." He said in a low voice and my eyes widened. "Tsuki?" I smiled softly and he chuckled. "I love you...oh god I love you so much." He stumbled off his words and I picked my phone up with my hand. "Are you alright?" He sniffled. "I'm great, I'm hanging out with Sugawara-" "Suga!" Suga corrected him through the phone and I glanced out at the darkening sky. "Where are you?"

He was quiet. "I don't know." He whispered, sounding a little defeated. "Tsuki." I said and he stayed quiet. "Can you give suga the phone?" He hummed softly and there was rummaging. "Hey Tadashi." Suga said cheerfully and I held my face up in my hand. "What's wrong with him?" Suga laughed softly. "He got into some beer. He's just a little tipsy." "I LOVE YOU YAMS!" He half sang and I cringed.

I covered my eyes. "Where are you?" Suga laughed softly "I'll send you the address, you can come pick up your loverboy." I sighed and walked out of the house. I walked down the road slowly and knocked on an unfamiliar door. Suga answered and I say Tsuki laying on the floor. "Hey~" suga said with a mouthful of chips. Daichi peeked out of bathroom and suga ran over to him, hugging him. "I knew tsukishima was dating someone. I told you."

Daichi pushed him off and I walked past them, standing beside Tsuki. He groaned and looked over at me slowly. He took a moment to register and then smiled softly. "Hi yams." He said As I bent down, looking at him. "Where are your glasses?" He squinted "Glasses? What are you talking about? I don't wear glasses." He ran his hand over my face and I pulled back. "Come on, your moms going to kill you." I pulled his arm and he flipped on the ground. "Give me a kiss first." I stared at him. "Tsuki, stop it." I said through gritted teeth.

Tanaka walked out of the bedroom and gasped "Hey Youre that little first year." I let out a breath and grabbed the back of tsukis shirt, dragging him along the hardwood floors. "Owie, yams that hurts." He whined and I dropped his head on the ground when I reached the door. "You're acting like a baby, now come on." I threw his shoes at him and he sat up slowly. I saw his glasses on the table and quickly grabbed them.

I watched him and he slowly ties his shoes, failing multiple times. I bent down and pulled them off. "Youre going barefoot, come on, it's getting dark." He put an arm around me and stumbled down the steps "Bye!!! It was nice seeing you Tadashi!" Suga yelled form the door and I glanced back. He was shutting the door as he made out with Daichi and I scrunched up my nose. "Gross." I mumbled. I put my arm on tsukis hip and we walked quietly.

He tripped sometimes and his feet were all scuffed up. We got to his door and I quietly opened it. "Yams, I love you." He said loudly and I covered his mouth, putting a finger up to mind. He nodded and got close to me. God he reeked of alcohol. "I love you." He whispered in my ear and I let his shut my the door, bringing him upstairs.

I set him down on the bed and he huffed out, his legs kicking around. "it's so hot!" He whined and pulled his shirt off. He fell limp on the bed and I sat down for a second. What a piece of work. I put my head on the edge of the bed and closed my eyes.

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