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I sat in the locker room next to a jumpy, orange haired boy. He looked at me and smiled. "Hi I'm Shoyo Hinata. Are you a first year too?" I nodded and gave a soft smile. Tsuki bumped my shoulder. "Come on." He signaled for me and I walked after, waving to Hinata as I left the locker room. I grabbed tsukis arm. "I don't know how to play this game." I whispered and he smiled before nudging my hands off his arm. "You'll be fine."

We walked into the gym and I stood beside Tsuki. Suga walked over and smiled. "Dont the jerseys look good this year?" Daichi was talking with a tall, black haired boy and I glanced around, a little over whelmed. A hand touched my shoulder as I jumped before turning around. A boy around tsukis height stood behind me. He had long brown hair and a comforting smile. "Hi I'm asahi, I'm a third year too." I nodded and pressed my lips together.

He pointed past suga "Those three are ennoshita, Nishinoya, and Tanaka, they're all second years." I stepped closer to Tsuki and he looked at me. "Thanks Asahi." I said quietly and he smiled, putting a hand around suga. "You two are quiet, we'll fix that soon enough." Suga laughed and I looked at them. Are they....

I shook the thought away and walked over to the bench with Tsuki.

After practice I waited outside for Tsuki. I looked up as the door opened and Tsuki looked at me. I stood up and grabbed his hand. "Come on." I smiled and he had a small smile. I wished he'd act like he does at home. We walked quietly and I watched him. "I love you." I said and his cheeks turned a slight red. "I love you too." He mumbled as he looked down at the ground.

I chewed on my lip and squeezed his hand. "Do you think we'll always be together?" I asked and he nodded without hesitation. "Only if you're willing to be." He said and I stopped in my tracks. He looked back at me and I crashed into him, hugging him so tight my arms felt weak. "Yams...I can't breathe." He said and I loosened a bit, slightly hugging him. I jumped my cheek against his and his glasses bumped my face.

I pulled back slightly glanced at his cheek. I leaned forward and my lips fell against his skin. I pulled back slowly and looked in his eyes. "Sorry Tsuki." I whispered and my face felt like I was on the surface of the sun. He looked at me with a dumbfounded face and a small smile grew bigger. "Did you mean to do that?" "Well, no, but ye- kinda." I stumbled and he put his hands on my shoulder, holding me taunt. "Can i kiss you?"

I smiled and he looked in my eyes, absolutely lovestruck. "No." I said sweetly and he kept that same look. "Now?" I shook my head and held back a cheeky smile. I leaned and put my head infront of his, keeping my arms tucked behind my back. "Not yet Tsuki." I whispered and he looked in my eyes. "Fine." He grabbed my hand and dragged me home.

I smiled and stood on the front porch. "I'll see you in the morning." I hugged him softly. He hugged me back and put a hand on my forehead, pushing the hair out of my face. His nose hit the top of my forehead before he pecked it. I smiled as I turned away, my face turning the color of a tomato. "Bye Tsuki." I waved behind me and quickly shut the door.

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