I know that you love me

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I laid on the floor of tsukis room and read my book. I flipped the page and glanced up at Tsuki. He had his headphones on and was laying down. I sat up and looked at him. Is he sleeping? I took his phone and mindlessly looked through it.

When I looked up he was looking at me with sleepy eyes. He smiled softly and I set his phone down. He reached for my arm and tugged on me. "C'mere." He mumbled and I got onto the bed. I faced him and he held my hand. He took his headphones off and pulled me closer, setting his hand on my back.

He set my face in his chest and breathed in his comfortable scent. He wrapped his arms around my head and he put his face against the top of my head. "Yama." He mumbled into my hair and I smiled to myself. I curled my legs around his and closed my eyes.

I woke up in a sweat, held in by tsukis arms. He snored above me and held onto me tight. I crawled out of his arms and took my hoodie off. I walked downstairs and let out a slow breath as I got some water. His mom walked into the kitchen and I pushed my hair down.

She smiled "Kei has stayed up so late the past few nights, he looked absolutely exhausted this morning." I looked down and then nodded slowly. "Did you two have a nice nap?" I smiled to myself and nodded. "Yeah, he's still sleeping." His mom walked over and fixed my hair for me.

"My baby got real lucky with you." She patted my shoulder and I felt like I was bursting with happiness and yet on the verge of tears. "Thank you." I mumbled and set my cup down. "Are you hungry? I'm about to get started on dinner." I shook my head. "I'm fine, I'll wake him up to eat." She gave a soft nod and I walked upstairs.

I opened the door and looked at Tsuki. He reached for the pillow under his head and clutched it tight, hugging it. I walked over and wiped his hair back. He let out a heavy breath and relaxed into the bed. I leaned down and kissed his hot forehead. He was unfazed and I walked over to his desk, continuing to read my book.

He woke up an hour later and I heard a cough behind me. I turned and admired him as he sat up, in a cold sweat. "Your mom has dinner downstairs if you're hungry?" He looked around, seeming disoriented and nodded slowly. He yawned and stood up, walking over to me. "Is it a good book?" He asked as he leaned down, placing a warm kiss on my cheek. "It's okay."

I looked up at him and brushed his hair back. "Why'd you stay up so late?" I asked and he blinked back at me. "I've just been busy, and I still want to spend time with you." I smiled and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. "Hey, we don't always have to hang out. I'm sure there's days where you get sick of me." I chuckled and he smiled slightly. "I'll figure it out." He walked in the bathroom and I rummaged through his dresser, getting him a change of clothes.

I opened the door as I heard him washing his hands and set his clothes on the countertop. "Got Youre so sweaty." I mumbled and peeled his thin shirt off his back. I stood behind him and pulled his shirt over his head.

He stood infront of the mirror and I set my hands on his stomach. "You're lucky I'm attracted to tall, pale, skinny boys." I teased him and he lifted his arm, looking at me. "Youre such an idiot." He mumbled and I smiled and hugged him from behind.

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