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I watched something on my phone beside Tsuki and I turned to my side. I glanced up at him and he was watching tv. His hands moved from his stomach down to the sides of his body. I went back to my video and our legs curled around each other's. I breathed out and then looked up at him.

I set my phone down and put my arms around his waist, shoving my face in his upper stomach. Tsuki hugged my shoulders tightly and I smiled slightly. The door creaked open and I poked my head up. My mom was in the doorway and I blinked, rubbing my eye a bit. "Tadashi, what did I tell you about keep the door open?" She said and I let my head fall on tsukis chest. "We're not even doing anything, I'm just hugging him."

His hand rested on the back of my head and he scratched my head a bit. "Still, you've been dating for almost three months, you're bound to start kissing sometime." I huffed out and turned my head away. "Whatever." I mumbled and Tsuki rubbed my back. "She's just being protective." Tsuki said and I looked up at him. "But i haven't even kissed you, what's the point in keeping the door open. We just sit in here most of the time doing separate things." Tsuki looked at me and his hand slipped out of my hair. "I mean we can change that."

I covered my face and breathed in. "Your so disgusting." He laughed softly and rolled me onto my side. I looked in his eyes and held my hands by my stomach. He pushed the hair out of my face and rubbed my cheek with my thumb. I completely relaxed as he held my face, his hands were slightly calloused and it felt so nice against my skin.

He brought my face to his chest and held me by my head. "If we're being honest, I haven't really thought about kissing you, I'm fine with how things are. I like holding your hand and just cuddling with you and telling you I love you without having to worry about kissing you." I heard his heart pounding as I pressed against him. "We don't have to do anything you don't want." He said and I smiled, looking up at him. "Thanks Tsuki."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Youre the best boyfriend ever." I whispered and he let out a light laugh in my ear. I had a big smile and curled into him. My door shut and I heard my dads footsteps walking away. I giggled and Tsuki nuzzled his face into my neck.

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