Shut up yamaguchi

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I laid in my room and fixed the pillow behind me head. Tsuki put a gentle hand on my thigh and rubbed my thigh with his thumb. I stared at the ceiling and smiled to myself. "That's kind of gay tsuki." "Shut up Yamaguchi." He mumbled and I turned to him. "One day I'm just gonna snap and I...I won't kiss you anymore."

He looked at me and put a hand on the side of my face. "Really? You won't kiss me?" His thumb pressed at the corner of my mouth and I stared at him for a second before looking away. "I can control myself, I can not kiss you." His hand held my face firmly and he moved closer, my breath hitting his face. "You beg me for kisses all the time, I don't think you could hold off."

I snickered "I beg for them? Please every morning you say 'Tadashi please, kiss me." I waved my hands around slightly, mocking him. He smacked my chest lightly and I pushed him. "You-" "shut up tsukishima." I mocked him again and he stared at me, his mouth slightly open.

The door opened slowly and my sister peeked at us. I glared at her and she stuck her tongue out. I stuck my tongue out at her and she stared at Tsuki behind me. I looked back at him and our eyes locked. "Still think you can hold back?" He whispered and wrapped his arm around the back of my neck.

I flung my pillow at the door and Haru ran away, a fake screech coming from her throat. I kissed him slowly and touched the side of his face. "Ewww, you guys are so gross." Haru chirped from the door and I turned around. "Get out." I said through gritted teeth and tsukis hand moved onto my back as he kissed my neck. I felt warm and she peeked from the side of the doorway. I rolled my eyes and covered me and Tsuki with a blanket.

He looked at me with a red face and I glanced up "What?...OH...OH MY GOD." I covered my face when I realized what he was thinking. I peeked out at him "I didn't mean anything, my mom would kill me if my sister saw us, like kissing and stuff." I said quietly. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me atop of his stomach.

I hugged him gently and the blanket fell down to my shoulders. I peeked at my sister, a soft smile stuck on my face. "Please get out Haru." I said quietly and his legs hooked around mine. He held me loosely, the blanket trapping out heat. He played with my hair and my heart ached.
I think I just feel in love all over again.

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