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I stripped the wet clothes off of me and jumped in the shower, waiting for Tsuki. I sat down on the little bench and the curtain slid open. I bit the inside of my mouth and he self consciously put his hands to hide his...*cough* private bits.

I cringed at myself and closed my eyes, feeing the warm water hit my arms. "Come here." I tapped the little space on the seat beside me and he carefully walked over. "Do you think we'll be infront if your mom finds out?" I shook my head and I couldn't stop my eyes from glancing down.

I immediately looked up, my eyes widen and nibbled at the inside of my mouth, trying to stop the dirty thoughts from flying out. He sat down and I grabbed his hand. "Why are you acting so nervous? I thought we were past this." I laughed lightly and wiped the water out of my eyes.

"Here let me wash your hair." I grabbed the shampoo and he relaxed as I scratched his head. What a silly weak spot. He loves having his head scratched. He eyes closed and I washed the shampoo out. I put a bit of conditioner on my hand and sat up.

He relaxed and set his head against the wall. I sat in his lap and his eyes shot open. "Yams what are you doing?" He tried to push me off and I hooked onto his legs. "It's easier to put it in your hair this way." I lied and he had a bright red face.

He closed his eyes, hesitantly and I washed my hands off once I was done. I hugged him lightly and set my head on his shoulder. "You're not uncomfortable, are you?" He shook his head and I smiled. "How are you staying so calm?" He looked at me and I cracked a small laugh. "I mean look how vulnerable I am, I'm completely naked, sitting willingly on your lap."

I wiped his cheek with my thumb and looked in his eyes. "You know I wouldn't do that to you." He said and I smiled. "That's my boyfriend." I patted his cheek and we both smiled.

My boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now