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I laid on Tsukis chest and scrolled through my phone, my eyes heavy. His hand landed on my head and he lightly played with my hair. I smiled and set my phone down, closing my eyes and relaxed ontop of him.

I touched his hand lightly and he turned his palm up, letting me play with his fingers. I glanced out the window after hearing a pitter-patter against the glass. "Tsuki it's raining." I whispered and held his hand. He snapped in and out of sleep and let out a deep breath, rubbing my back. "What?" He breathed out and I pushed off of him, crawling across my bed to the window.

Tsuki rolled over and pulled on my shirt. "Yams come back." He mumbled and lifted the blanket up. "No im going outside." I pulled my jacket over my head and rolled over Tsuki. "You should come outside with me." I said and pulled the blanket off of him, throwing it on the corner of the bed.

He curled up and looked over his shoulder at me. I put some of my old gym shorts on and looked back at him. "Come on." I smiled, excited and he sat up slowly, stumbling after me. I walked down the stairs quietly and opened the door. I shut it slowly behind me and looked at Tsuki.

He stretched and then hugged me gently. "Yams, why'd you wake me up to look at rain?" I squirmed out of his grasp and grabbed his wrist, pulling him down the steps into the cold rain. He shivered and gave me a weird look before running under the cover of the porch. Rain hit my head and my hair fell into my eyes. "Tsuki, don't be such a loser!" I yelled over the rain and ran up to him, hugging him.

He pushed me off and had a sour look on his face. "We're going to get sick." He said all high and mighty and I set my hands under his shirt, just barely in the dip of his sides. "Come on Kei, please~" I smiled lightly and pouted. He watched me with a tough look on his face. "Kei, I'll shower with you after." I whispered and touched his neck lightly.

"We can turn the water hot and kiss and..." I trailed off and he looked in my eyes, completely sucked in. "Okay." He whispered and I smiled before pulling him back in the rain. I stumbled on the wet grass and fell down. I laughed and Tsuki looked worried, leaning down to help me up. I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up.

I walked down to the gutter and kneels down, letting the water hit my hand. I hear Tsuki up behind me and I turned, water getting in my eyes. I stood up and quickly jumped at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and connecting our lips.

The rain fell all around up and my feet lifted up as he grabbed onto me. "I love you. I love you so much." I whispered and he smiled brightly. We kissed and kissed and kissed, so warm from these feelings and yet so cold from the rain. The garage door started to go up and I still had my arms around Tsuki.

I turned and smiled lightly at my mom, wavering with my fingers. She stood there with the trash bag and gave me a condescending look. She pointed to the door and I fell against Tsuki. "I don't want to go inside." I cried and looked up at him. "Well I thought you wanted to shower together."

He grabbed my hands and held them up beside us before turning them down and kissing me again. "Inside!" My mom yelled and the door shut behind her. "Alright that's not so bad." I laughed softly and we hurried to the bathroom.

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