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I watched the team practice and tsukis tape feel off his hand. He ran off the court real quick and dug through his bag. "Yama." He said and I walked over. "Do you have any extra tape?" I reached for my bag and handed him some old tape I had.

"Thanks baby." He mumbled and kissed the top of my head. Tsuki placed the tape over the bottom of his middle and ring finger and slowly wrapped it around. He cut it with his teeth and placed another piece above his knuckle. He curled his fingers slightly and I couldn't take my eyes off his hands.

My face flushed and he tore the second piece and loosened the tape a bit by curling his fingers again and again. He looked at me and I caught his gaze for a second. "Oh my god, you're not seriously thinking that are you?" He sounded distraught and I chewed at the side of my mouth as I glanced between his eyes and fingers. "It's was a lot hotter than you'd think."

I imitated him and he pushed my head down. "Youre so disgusting." I pushed his side "Youre worse than me, i was changing my shirt and you couldn't take your eyes off of me." He put his hand on my thigh and leaned over, his mouth close to mine. "Youre really cute yama, I don't tell you enough." His hand moved up to my waist and he lifted my shirt a little.

I quickly kissed him. "I think you're teams losing without you." I whispered and he kept his eyes on me. "Okay, I'm going but I deserve another kiss when we get home." He walked away and I crossed my arms. "As if you deserve anything from me." I mumbled to myself and gave a dramatic sigh.

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