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I sat in my room, reading a graphic novel when my door opened. I looked over at Tsuki and smiled. He had a grin on his face and seemed excited. Tsuki walked over and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I got a job." He said and I looked at him, a faint smile growing on my face. "Where?"

"At the museum, I just greet people, but I'm, im really excited." His voice cracked and I couldn't see the excitement in his eyes. "Good, I'm proud of you." I reached for his hand and held it comfortably. Tsuki sat down and scratched my back lightly as I continued to read. "Does this mean I have to get a job too?" I mumbled and he looked at me

"What? No, why would you have to?" He said sort of breathy and I shrugged "I don't know, I usually just do what you do." Tsuki put his arm around me and set his head on my shoulder. "Don't do things just because I'm doing it, I do dumb shit sometimes." He said and I laughed a bit. "But you decided to ask me out, was that dumb?" I looked up and he smiled "Of course not."

He leaned over and planted a short kiss on my lips. "Never in a million years will I regret asking you out." He kissed me again and again and I looked in his eyes. "What if I had said no?" He chuckled and scratched my back through my shirt. "You came up to me first, asking me to go out with you."

I put a finger up to his lips. "Well that was different, that was just a dare." He smiled softly "Just a dare? The feelings were already there though." I pressed my lips together and let out a slow breath. "As if, you fell for me. Don't get it twisted." He rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "You know I'm not stupid, you followed me everywhere, the cute little blush you had when you talked to me, god and when you started calling me Tsuki, that sweet little voice. I just knew that you liked me."

I looked in his eyes and my cheeks felt like they were on fire. "I hate you." I folded my arms and pulled my face away. He watched me and smiled shyly. "See it's that same blush." His poked my cheek and I fell back against the pillows. "Do you like me?" I asked and Tsuki watched me, as if I had just asked the most stupid question.

"Yeah." He said slowly, eyeing me. "What's wrong with you today?" I shrugged and scratched the corner of my mouth. "You haven't told me in awhile, just wanted to make sure." He watched me and shook his head. "Youre so weird." He leaned on my shoulder and hugged me gently.

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