20: Cornered

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"They're after y/n."

Namjoon's eyes go wide. "That's why he attacked Soobin..." he pauses and looks at Taehyung. "We can't portal back." Taehyung's breathing becomes panicked, his mind is now flooding with a thousand possibilities, each one making him more worried.

"Hyung, you need to calm down." Jungkook grips on his shoulders and meets his eyes.

"Jungkook, I need you to hold this." Namjoon motions to the wound. Soobin's eyes are squinted shut in pain, but he is still conscious. Jungkook stands and presses the jacket down firmly while Namjoon pulls out his phone.

"Hyung, we need Jin here, now. Soobin is injured. Did you see the demon leaving the building?"

"Yeah, Jimin and Hobi went after him."

"No, we need to get back, he's just leading them away," Taehyung pants.

"We need them to get back, forget that guy. This whole thing was a diversion, they're going for y/n at the base."

"Shit, wait why? And shouldn't the barrier protect them, plus she has Chan and Yeonjun."

"The barrier won't hold if multiple strong demons attack it. They might be able to hold them off for a little while, but I don't know if they can win if there's more than one."

Jin suddenly appears in the room with medical supplies. "What the hell happened?" He kneels down and observes the slash marks.

"A demon attacked him to prevent us from portaling back," Jungkook explains as Jin begins to tend to the wound. Taehyung manages to get to his feet and heads for the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Jungkook stands to stop him.

"I'm going to y/n, what else?"

"Taehyung you're hurt, plus if you run all the way there you'll use all your energy."

"I don't give a fuck." He pushes past the younger and quickly runs out of the room.

Namjoon looks over at Jin and their eyes meet. "Are you going to be okay here?"

"Yeah, I'll call you if we need help." Namjoon leans down and gives him a kiss. Him and Jungkook stand up and speed out of the building to find Yoongi and the others.


Everyone had devoured all the chicken not long after Yeonjun made it. It took a little bit of deciding, but you all agreed to watch friends as you ate your food. You were all seated in the lounge, you and Mari sat on the couch, Chan took the love seat while Yeonjun was happy to sit on the floor. Both Yeonjun and Chan seemed to be getting along great, they were both slightly quiet at first, but as soon as everyone became comfortable you could tell they were very outgoing, and them and Mari seemed to be getting along great.

Everyone's laughing suddenly gets distracted as the lights flicker.

"Uh, what was that?" Chan asks and looks around.

"Um, I don't know," you say. "That's never happened before."

"Maybe it's just windy outside," Mari says and takes a sip of water.

But then, it happens again. Yeonjun quickly gets to his feet. "Something's not right." He runs out of the room and towards the front of the building, and the three of you follow behind. When you get there, Yeonjun is looking up at the windows, there's a pulsing blue followed by a loud banging with each ripple. "Someone is trying to break the barrier."

"Who? Can they even do that?" Mari asks in a slight panic.

"With enough power, yes."

"But, why would someone be trying to get in? Wouldn't they be after the guys?" you ask.

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