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You finally finished cooking, all those lessons from Jin were finally paying off, even though it wasn't very difficult of a meal, you were still proud of yourself. You get out one of the small bowls from the cabinet and pour the pasta when your attention is then caught as the apartment door opens.

"I'm home." You turn to the man entering the room. Taehyung takes off his shoes and jacket before making his way to the kitchen.

"Hey, how was work?" He walks over and plants a light kiss on your lips.

"You know, same old same old." He takes a seat at the counter. "Jimin and Taemin wouldn't get off each other the entire time though." He rolls his eyes and you laugh.

"Well, it is their three year anniversary after all."

"Yeah, but they don't have to show everyone." He rests his chin on the counter top. "The place has been pretty quiet without Jungkook and Mari though."

"Yeah, well they're off enjoying themselves in who knows which country today." You weren't surprised how long they've been off together considering how spontaneous Mari is, and Jungkook was happy to be dragged along for the ride. "What about the other guys?"

"Hobi has been trying to get Yoongi to branch out more, and he actually agreed, so he's trying to meet new people."

"Well, that's great for him." He nods, but both your attentions are then grabbed from a slight thud in the other room.

"Damn it, is he up to no good again?" You run out from behind the counter and down the hall, and Taehyung just watches with a large grin on his face. "Hey, guess who's home?" He hears you say from the bedroom, and he quickly gets to his feet and walks to the end of the hall.

"Appa! Appa!" The small toddler waddles out from the hall.

Taehyung leans down and lifts him up with the biggest smile on his face before resting him on his hip and beginning to plant kisses on the child's cheek, causing him to burst out in laughter.

"I swear, leave him alone for five minutes and he's causing a ruckus," you say as you reenter the living room.

"Yes, but he's our little ruckus." He tickles your son's stomach and all three of you laugh. Taehyung really had forgotten how much he loved children, and you're glad he now has the opportunity to be a father.

"Come on, I just got his food ready." You motion to the kitchen.

Taehyung makes his way before placing his son down in the high chair. You place the small bowl of pasta in front of him and he begins to dig in, already making a mess. You sigh, but Taehyung just smiles.

You hear a light knock at the door. "Looks like they're here." You skip over to the door and pull it open.

"Hey!" Jin steps forward and pulls you into a hug.

"Hey, come in." He pulls away and both he and Namjoon enter the room.

The three of you head into the kitchen and both men go soft as they see your son.

"Oh my gosh!" Namjoon says with a smile and gives the boy a smile, to which he returns.

"So the adoption went well?" Jin looks at you and Taehyung.

"Yeah." You reach down and take Taehyung's hand in yours. "And we couldn't be happier." Both Jin and Namjoon smile before returning their attention to your child in the high chair.

Taehyung straightens up and pulls you into a soft kiss. That all too familiar scent hits your nostrils, and you can't help but nuzzle your nose into the crevice of his neck as you gently trace your lips across his skin, and you hear his breath hitch.

"Hey, no feeding with a kid in the room," Jin scolds the two of you, and you pull away.

"Sorry," you smile. "Couldn't help myself."

Taehyung smiles and pokes your nose. "We'll come back to that later."

"So what is your plan?" Namjoon catches both your attention. "You know, for telling him in the future."

"Well..." You lean your elbows on the counter. "We figured we'd keep it secret for now, but when the time comes we'll tell him the truth, and then he can decide what he wants to do." They both nod. "Either way, we would respect what he chooses."

"I think that's great," Jin says, and you grin in response.

"Well, how bout I get you guys some drinks." You straighten up.

"That sounds wonderful."

"You guys can go wait in the living room. Tae, could you clean him up?" You gesture to the mess of pasta surrounding the toddler.

"Got it."

You reach into the cabinets and pull out some wine glasses, meanwhile Taehyung manages to get your son all clean and lifts him up from his highchair. He rests him on his hip and heads into the living room to join the rest of the group.

You enter the room and bring both Jin and Namjoon their glasses, and they give you a nod in thanks and you return again with one for both you and Taehyung.

You spend the rest of the night chatting together, talking about the past, the future, and anything in between. You can't help but glance at Taehyung every so often as he rocks the sleeping toddler against his chest; seeing the way he looks down at him somehow fills you with so much love. His eyes suddenly flick up and meet yours, a bright smile growing on his face, and you grin back as you rest your chin on your elbow.

'I love you,' he mouths and your lips curl up into a smile.

'I love you too.'

In the beginning part of you deep down feared that over time the feelings you'd developed might fade, but it's small moments like these that make those fears almost seem absurd. Being with Taehyung meant forever, and there is no one else you'd want to be with until the end of time, and you will always be grateful for that fateful night.

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