34: Forgotten

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"Do you really have to go?" you whine as Taehyung puts his coat on.

"Yeah, Jungkook really wants to have some guy time."

"Since when? He's been clinging onto Mari for weeks." Taehyung shrugs his shoulders. "And on top of that Mari says she has work to get done, the one night I finish all my school work early." You flop down on the couch dramatically.

"Well, if you want you can go spend some quality time with Jin and Yoongi," he says half sarcastically, but you aren't completely opposed.

"Do you think they'd actually mind if I'm there?"

"I mean, I guess not. I could drop you off on the way."

"Well I guess it beats sitting around here. You sure it's not too much of a hassle?"

"Nah, it's fine. Come on, let's go." He holds his hand out.

You stand up and take his hand with a grin.

You walk into the building, it's almost completely quiet. Everyone is either out or busy.

"I'm heading into town, so I'll come pick you up later, okay?" Taehyung asks from behind you.

"Alright, have fun!" You wave as he walks out the door. You look around the room trying to find any source of life, Taehyung said that most of them were out on a job, which is why Jin and Yoongi we're the only ones left. As you walk around you hear your stomach growl.

"Damn it, I should've eaten before coming here."

You stand and think for a second. You know you've stored a decent amount of food away here, but you're not sure if it's enough to make a meal. You then head over to the small kitchen, trying to remember what you had stashed away. You open each cabinet to see what you might be able to scrounge together, surprisingly, it looks like someone has been restocking for you. Perhaps Taehyung decided to grab you more food.

"Looking for something to eat?" You jump as you hear a voice behind you. You turn around and see Jin walking in and you place your hand over your heart.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." He laughs and you straighten up. "And yeah I am. Do you know who bought all this food by any chance?"

"Uh, yeah. I did." You furrow your brows.

"You didn't have to do that."

He smiles. "It's not a big deal, besides I'm in charge of the blood supply for the guys, so it's only fair I make sure you have enough as well."

"Well that's very thoughtful of you," you grin. "But a lot of this stuff seems like it's for cooking, and I can barely do that."

"You don't know how to cook?" You shake your head. "Well, I can teach you."

"You know how?"

"Yeah, back when I was human I used to cook all the time for my family before they passed away, they said I was really talented." He smirks as he praises himself.

"Really? Well I would love it if you could show me some recipes, god knows I won't learn any from Taehyung." Jin burst out laughing and you can't help but do the same.

"Don't let that man into the kitchen. As sweet as his intentions may be, he has no clue what he's doing." You giggle as Jin starts to grab some ingredients. "So, shall we get started?"

About thirty minutes into your cooking lesson, he has you hunched over a heated pan with a variety of species and ingredients strewn out over the outer top as he gives you small pointers and tips. You wipe the thin layer of seat from your forehead as you watch the food sizzle in the oil. You manage to get a hold of the pan and scoop the food onto a small platter.

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