32: Trust

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You jump down from Taehyung's back as you arrive at the base. Rather than taking a car, you both figured it would be best to have him run there, besides it was dark enough that no one would see a thing. Jimin had called him and said Namjoon wanted Taehyung to head over. He said it wasn't urgent, but you still wanted to come. You both enter the building, and you're quickly greeted by Hoseok.

"Hey Hobi!" you call, and he throws you a bright smile.

"Hey y/n." He suddenly stops in his tracks before getting any closer to you, scrunching his nose. He glances between both you and Taehyung before raising a brow. "Really?"

At first you don't understand what he could be referencing, but as soon as realization hits you your eyes go wide.

"Oh my god!" You fling your hands up to cover your face and spin around.

"Great job, hyung, now she's self conscious." Taehyung whacks Hoseok on the shoulder.

"Sorry! But maybe you guys should have thought about showering before coming here." You peek your eyes over the tops of your hands and look at the two boys. You can feel the heat in your cheeks, and you can bet you were as bright as a tomato.

"Maybe I should just wait somewhere else."

"No, it's fine. Right, hyung?" He shoots Hobi a glare.

"It's really not that bad y/n, as long as no one gets too close, they won't even notice." Hoseok tries to reassure you, but you don't really believe him. Regardless, you nod and the three of you head to the large table, Taehyung is walking significantly in front of you, and as soon as you enter you notice everyone is already there.

"Say anything, and I kill you all." Taehyung points his finger at everyone around the table. A couple of them seem confused by his warning, luckily you were too far behind to hear it. Jungkook is about to speak up, but his jaw snaps shut as you take a seat next to him, his nose scrunching slightly. You were too busy focusing on the other men in the room to notice. There is a short, awkward silence at the table, and you glance up to see Jimin with the stupidest smirk on his face, the embarrassment rushing back to your face.

"So why did you call us?" Taehyung looks back and forth between each of the members sitting at the table.

"Well we would have waited if we'd known we were interrupting," Jimin jokes, but it's quickly followed by a quick slap on the back of his head from Hobi.

"Taemin has some news, so I wanted to start planning," Namjoon explains.

"What news?"

"I got in contact with Taeyong." Everyone looks over to Taemin who's finally spoken up.

"So what happened?" Jimin asks.

"I told him that I'd been looking for them because I wanted to help out with their plan. I said I wanted to be involved somehow."

"And what did he say? Did he believe you?" Taehyung's voice sounds eager.

"From what I can tell, yes. He said I could be of use, but right now they're still waiting."

"For what?" You ask.

"I'm not entirely sure, but my guess is for Soyoung to recover her powers."

"So what's your plan?" Jungkook chimes in.

"Well I think I'll need to gain their trust, work with them a bit. When I find out where Soyoung is hiding I'll contact you guys. That way we can get her before her magic is fully restored."

"Isn't that going to be dangerous for you?" Jimin asks, the concern washing over his face as he looks at the demon.

"It will be, but that's the price I said I would pay." Jimin's eyes lower and he presses his lips together.

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