41: Forgiveness

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The sun had just risen, and Taehyung had returned from searching all night, again. It's been 3 days since you've vanished. Everyone was doing everything they could to help search, but still nothing.

He enters his room, throwing his jacket on the bed. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly. His eyes are practically glowing red, and he can feel hunger eating away at him. His attention is then caught by a light knock.

"Who is it?"

The door opens, and Taehyung turns around, but faces away when he sees Namjoon standing in the doorway.


"I don't want to talk to you."

"Taehyung, we need to talk. It's the only way we'll be able to help each other."

"Well maybe you should have thought about that before lying to me for decades." He glares at the older, and Namjoon presses his lips together.

"5 minutes." Taehyung looks over at him. "Give me five minutes to talk. After that, I won't bother you anymore."

He sighs and walks over to his bed, taking a seat on the edge and looking up. "5 minutes."

Namjoon walks over and takes a seat next to him. He looks into Taehyung's red eyes before turning them back to the ground.

"I guess I should start off with I'm sorry. I know it's not enough, and it's far too late, but I am... and I want you to know, I was the one who told the guys not to tell you, so don't blame them." He takes a breath. "I've wanted to tell you for years, it had been eating away at me since we met... but I was afraid. Afraid that you would hate me... I was afraid I would lose you, as a friend." Taehyung looks away.

"When we first met, and you told me your story, I knew. I knew exactly who you were, and that all the pain you'd endured was my fault." Taehyung turns his head to Namjoon, who's still looking at the ground. "Your family, your death, it was all because of me. You've suffered through the aftermath of all my mistakes." He looks at Taehyung, his eyes glossy as tears build. "I'm sorry, for everything I've done to you."

"Hyung..." He takes a breath, looking down at the ground before returning his eyes back up. "I don't blame you for the death of my family." Namjoon looks at him strangely. "The reason I was so upset... was because you didn't tell me the truth." He nods and looks away, wiping a tear.

"I know why you did what you did. You wanted to save the person you love. If it were y/n in that situation, I probably would have done the same exact thing if it meant I could save the person I care about most." He looks down at his feet. "I just wish you told me. If none of this had ever happened, that lie would have gone on for who knows how long."

"I know." He swallows. "It was wrong, and you deserved to know the truth... I was just too much of a coward to face you."

"But that doesn't mean you can't now." They both meet each other's gaze.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung." Namjoon pulls Taheyung into a hug. He hesitates for a moment, but brings his arms up to wrap around him, tears beginning to fall. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Taheyung sniffles slightly. "I forgive you." The two of them remain like this for a few moments, before Namjoon finally pulls away, whipping his eyes.

"Hyung? Are you going to come in too?" Taehyung calls to the doorway. Jin slowly peers around the corner, eye's clearly puffy as well. He enters the room and pulls Taehyung into an embrace.

"You know we love you, every single one of us."

"I know, hyung."


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